Full text: Archiv für öffentliches Recht. Band 42 (42)

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Wo der Titel keinen Aufschluß über den Inhalt der Schrift gibt, habe 
ich kurze Erkennungsworte in [ ] beigefügt 
Geschichte der Politik. 
Sir ADOLPHUS WILLIAM WARrD, Collected Papers, Historical, Literary, 
Travel and Miscellaneous (Volumes I and II. Historical} (Cambridge 
University Press 48 s). [Zahlreiche Aufsätze zur Geschichte der 
europäischen Politik der Neuzeit und zum Völkerrecht]. 
WILLIAM ARCHIBALD DUNNING, A History of Political Theories.. From 
Rousseau to Spencer (Macmillan Co. 21 s). 
Allgemeine Staatslehre. 
A. R. Lorp, The Principles of Politics. A Introduction to the study of 
the evolution of political ideas (Oxford, Clarendon Press 8 s 6. d). 
E. K. FALLOWFIELD, Patriotism. (Daniel 5 s) [Beispiele aus der Geschichte 
für humanitären Patriotismus, gegen den „Ego-Patriotismus“]. 
JamkS Bryce, Modern Democracies. Two vol. (Macmillan, 50 3). 
R. L. BveLı, Contemporary French Politics (Appleton, 18 s). 
GEORGE HEnRY PAıne, History of Journalism in the United States (Apple- 
ton 15 s). 
Problems of Peace and War (Transactions of the Grotius Society, Volume VI) 
Papers read before the Society in the year 1920 (Sweet and Maxwell, 
7s 6 d). [Darunter Draft Code for the Treatment of Prisoners of 
War; Plebiscites and the League ; The Treaties of Montevideo 1889; 
Scheme for the Permanent Court of International Justice]. 
J. A. Harn, The law of Naval Warfare (2 nd Bd.) (Chapman & Hall, 30 s). 
[Summarische Darstellung für Seeoffhiziere]. 
Epwın DE Wırr Dıickınson, The Equality of States in International law. 
(Harvard University Press, 17 s). [Geschichte und Theorie bis zum 
Vertrag von Versailles]. 
Auswärtige Politık, Staatsverträge, Völkerbund. 
[BRYAN] JAMES BROwNn ScoTt, Treaties for the Advancement of Peace bet- 
ween the United States and other Powers negotiated by the Honou- 
rable William J. Bryan (Carnegie Endowiment, Oxford University Press). 
DERSELBE, The Declaration of London, February 26, 1909. A collection of 
ofücial papers and documents relating to the International-Naval 
Conference held in London Dec. 1908 bis Febr. 1909. With an Intro- 
duction by Elihu Root. (Imsgleichen Verlag.) 
Bir ERNEST Sarow, A Diplomat in Japan (Seelay, Service, 32 s [1858—1867].

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