276 Anhang.
E. a. 68. Streitigkeiten zwischen verschiedenen Bundesstaaten
oder ihren Behörden werden durch den Bundesrath , Verfassungsstreitig-
keiten in den einzelnen Bundesstaaten im Wege der Bundesgesetzgebung:
Xlll. Verhältniss zu den süddeutschen Staaten.
E.a.69.-V.a. 71.
Die Verfassung der Konfederirten Staaten von Amerika
im Vergleich mit der Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten
von Amerika.
ofthe Confederate Staatesof America.
We the people of the Confederate States, each State
acting in its sovereign and independent character, in
order to form a permanent federal government, establish
Justice, insure domestic tranquillity 9 and secure the blessings of liberty
to ourselves and our posterity — invoking the favorandgui-
danceofAlmightyGod — do ordain and establish this constitu-
tion for the Confederate States of America.
Artide 1.
Sect. I. All legislative powers herein delegated!® shall be
vested in a Congress of the Confederate States, which shall consist of a
Senate and House of Representatives,
Sect. 2. 1. The House of Representatives shallbe chosen !l every
second year by the people of the several states; and the electors in
each stateshall be citizens ofthe Confederate States and have
® U. (= Constitution of the United States of America) add. : provide for
the common defence, promote the general Welfare.
10 U.: granted.
11 U.: composed of Members chosen.