Anhang. 277
the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous ‘branch of
the State Legislature; but no personof foreignbirth, nota
citizenofthe Confederate States, shall be allowedto
vote for any officer,: civil or political, State or
2. No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained
the age of twenty-five years and be !2 a citizen of the Confederate States
and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that. State in which
be shall be chosen.
3. Representatives — direct. = U. 3. The number of Represen-
tatives shall not exceed one for every fifty thousand, but each State
sball have at least one Representative; amd until such enumeration shall
be made, the Stateof South Carolinashallbeentitled to
choose six; the State of Georgia ten; tbe State of Ala-
bamanine; te StateofFloridatwo,the State of Missis-
sippi seven; the State of Louisiana sıx; andthe State
of Texas six.
4. —-VU.ı4.
5. The House of Representatives shall. choose their Speaker and
other officers; and shall have the sole power of impeachment; except
that any Jjudicialorotherfederal officerresidentand
acting solely within the limits ofany State, may be
impeached by a vote oftwo-thirdsofbothbranches of
the Legislaturethereof.
Seot. 3. 1. Tbe Senate of the Confederate States shall be com-
posed of two Senators from each State, chosen for six years by the
Legislature thereof, attheregular sessionnextimmediatly
preceding the commencement of the term of service;
anıl each Senator shall have one vote.
2. —-U. 2.
3. No person shall be’a Senator who shall not. have attained the
age of thirty years and be 13 a citizen of the Confederate Staates; and
who shall not, when elected, be an. inhabitant of the State for. which he
shall be chosen.
4.—7.-U, 4.—7.
Sect. 4. 1. The Times — thereof — U. 1.; but the Congress
may, at any time, by law, make or alter such regulations , except as to
thetimesand places of choosing Senators.
Sect. 5. = U. Sect. 5.
12 U.: been seven years a citizen of the United States.
3 U.: beennine yearsa citizen.