Full text: Deutsches Kolonialblatt. XI. Jahrgang, 1900. (11)

schiedsgerichtlicher Regelung gewisser 
Schadensersatzansprüche auf Samoa. 
Seine Majestät der Deutsche 
Kaiser, König von Preußen, im 
Namen des Deutschen Reiches, der 
Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten 
von Amerika und Ihre Mojestät 
die Königin des Vereinigten König- 
reichs von Großbritannien und Ir- 
land, geleitet von dem Wunsche, die 
durch die jüngst auf den Samoa- 
Inseln stattgefundenen militärischen 
Aktionen veranlaßten Schadens- 
ersatzansprüche der dortselbst an- 
sässigen Angehörigen der betheiligten 
Reiche und Staaten baldigst und 
allseitig zufriedenstellend zu er- 
ledigen, und entschlossen, ein Ab- 
kommen behufs schiedsgerichtlicher 
Regelung dieser Fragen abzu- 
schließen, haben zu Ihren Bevoll- 
mächtigten ernannt: 
Seine Majestät der Deutsche 
Kaiser, König von Preußen: 
Allerhöchstihren Gesandten in 
außerordentlicher Mission den 
Geheimen Legationsrath Dr. 
jur. Mumm von Schwar- 
der Präsident der Ver- 
einigten Staaten von 
den Staatssekretär der Ver- 
einigten Staaten The Hono- 
rable John Hay, 
Ihre Majestät die Königin 
des Vereinigten König- 
reichs von Großbritannien 
und Irland: 
Allerhöchstihren Geschäftsträger 
ad interim Mr. Reginald 
welche nach gegenseitiger Mit- 
theilung ihrer in guter und ge- 
höriger Form befundenen Voll- 
machten, folgende Bestimmungen 
vereinbart und ausgemacht haben: 
Artikel 1. 
Alle Ansprüche, welche von 
Deutschen, von amerikanischen 
Bürgern oder von britischen Unter- 
Convention " 
to the settlement of certaln Clalms 
in Samos by Arbitration. 
His Majesty the German 
Emperor, King of Prussia, in 
the name of the German Empire, 
The President of the United 
States of America, and Her 
Majesty the Queen of the 
Unitec- Kingdom of Great 
Britain and lreland, being 
desirous of effecting a prompt 
and satisfactory settlement of 
the claims of the subjects and 
citizens of their respective 
Countries resident in the Samoan 
Islands on account of recent 
military operations conducted 
there, and having rosolved to 
conclude a Convention for the 
accomplishment of this end br- 
means of arbitration, have 
appointed as their respective 
His Majesti the German 
Emperor, King of Prussia, 
His Minister in Extraordi- 
nary Mission, Dr. Jur. 
Mumm von Schwarzen- 
stein, Priv conuncillor of 
Legation; and 
The President of the United 
States of America, 
The Honorable John Hayx, 
Secretarr of State of the 
United States; and 
Her Majesty the Queen of 
the United Kingdom of Great 
Britain and Ilreland, 
MNr. Reginald Tower, Her 
Britannic Majesty's Chargé 
d'Affaires ad interim; 
Who, after having communi- 
cated to cach other their full 
pDowers, which were found to 
be in due and proper form, 
have agreed to and concluded 
the following articles: 
Article I. 
All claims put forward by 
Germuans, or Ameerican eitizens, 
or British subjects respectively, 
to the settlement ot certain Claim= 
in Samoa by Arbitration. 
His Majesty the German 
Emperor, King of Prussia, in 
the name of the German Empire. 
The President of the United 
States of Ameerica, and Her 
Majesty the Queen of tbe 
Unitec, Kingdom of Great 
Britain and lreland, being 
desirous of effecting a prompt 
and satisfactory settlement of 
the claims of the subjects and 
citizens of their respectite 
Countries resident in the Samoan 
Islands on account of recent 
military operations conducted 
there, and having resolved to 
conclude a Convention for the 
accomplishment of this end by 
means of arbitration, hare 
appointed as their respective 
His Majesty the German 
Emperor, King of Prussia, 
His Minister in Extraordi- 
nary Mission, Dr. Jur. 
Mumm von Schwarzen- 
stein, Privy councillor of 
Legation; and 
The President of the United 
States of Ameerica, 
The Honourable John Har. 
Secretary of State of the 
United States; and 
Her Majesty the Queen of 
the United Kingdom of Great 
Britain and lreland, 
Mr. Reginald Tower, Her 
Britannic Majesty'’s Charge 
d'Affaires ad interim; 
Who, after having communi- 
cated to each other their full 
bowers, which were found to 
be in due and proper form, 
havc agreed to and concluded 
the following articles; 
Article 1. 
All claims put forward br- 
Germans, or American citizens, 
or British subjects respectively,

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