Full text: Deutsches Kolonialblatt. XXII. Jahrgang, 1911. (22)

Terrikuory of Papua. Golermwwent. Gazette. 
Government Gazette of HRh 
Government Gazette. ee of Southern Nigeria. 
The Nonkong Government Gaz 
Journal officiel de 1· Srige, * frangaise. 
lourns) officiel du ge#go baa 
r!—i ofticiel de la onke“ # Onhomer et Depen- 
— Vorbeeiel de ln Nonvelle Calédonie et Dépendances. 
The Legisiation of the Empire 
The Natal Provinclal Gazette. Dasdez e Fort- 
setzano 20: Government Gazette of Natal 
The Myasaland Government Gazette 
Ordinances of the Gold Coast Ciony and the rules 
and orders. 
The Ordinances of Hongkong (incl. orders and in council). 
Province of the Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette. 
Bildet die Twetee von: Government Gazette 
of the Cape of Good 
Southern Nigeria H% Gazette. 
Staatsblad vun Nederlandsch-Indi.. 
Tonga Government Gazette. 
The elran Government Gazette. Fortgesefzt unter 
The Onon * South Africa Government Gazette. 
7. Kolopialstanats- und verwaltungsrecht. 
Annuaire du Gouyernement CGéné#l de Pafrique 
bGecidentale fran 
Annualre du mim des Colonies. Paris. 
The India List and India Office List. 
Regeeringsalmanak voor ttnb- 
Officinl Statistics, Commonwealth of Australin. Sta- 
tistics us to Education, Hospitals und Charities and. 
Law and Crime. 
S. Bevölkerungswesen. Orientierungs- 
schriften für Auswanderer. 
a. Deutsche Kolonien. 
Taschenbuch für Deutsch-Ostafriku. 
Taschenbuch für Südwcstafrika. 
b. Fremde Kolonlen. 
Canada Handboock. 
Cape Colony Handbock. 
Correspondence relating. to Native Affairs in Natal. 
Documents relatifs à la répression de la traite des 
eschaves de P’Acte général de Bruxgelles 
Emigranon Statutes and nformation relating to the 
Whole of the United Kingdom. 
Natal Handhook. 
Now South Wales NMandbook. 
New Zealand HMandbock. 
Orange Free State Handbock. 
Transvanl. Papers relating to legislation afkecting 
natives in the Transy 
Official Statistics. Cammenwerh of Australia. Po- 
pulation and Vital Statisties. 
Queensland Handbock. 
New Zcaland. Report of the Department of Labour. 
Neu South Wuules. Annual Report of the Director of 
LUhbour. Statc Labour Bureau of New South Wales. 
Queensland. Report of the Director of Labour and 
Chief Inspector of Factories and Sho 
Qucensland. UVital Statistiss Annual Report of 
the Government Statisticinn. 
Fli. Annunl Report on Indian Immigration to, Indian 
Emigration from, and Indentured Indian Immigrants 
in the Colony. 
Annunl Beport of the Foreign Labour Department. 
Report of the Transvanl Labour Commission. 
192 20 
ransvanl. Native Affairs Department. Annual Report. 
. Australla Handboock. 
East India (Progress and Condition). Statement erbi- 
biting the Moral Progress and Condition ol Indis. 
Offeiaf Statistics, Commonwealth of Australia. Vital 
Statistics of the Commonwealth. 
Ministere des colonies. (Grice colonial.) tetiotique- 
de la population dans les colonies français, 
Tasmania Handbook. 
Transvaal Nandwoonk. 
VIetoria Handboot, 
Western Australla Nandboot. 
. Rechenschaftsberichte über die Verwaltung 
der Kolonien. 
A. Deutsche Kolonlen. 
DUenkschrift, beir. die Entwicklung des Kiautschou- 
gebiets. (Erscheint nicht mehr.] 
L2#esborich über die Entwieklung der deutschen 
Schutzgebiete in Afrika und der Südsee, Beilage 
zum Deutschen olonlalblat. liheia nicht — 
dafür: Die deutschen Schutrgebiete in Afrika u 
der Süee. Amtliche Jahresberichte, karuus. 
gegeben vom Reichs-Kolonialamt.]) 
Deutscher Clonlalklender und Statistisches Handbuch. 
b. Fremde Kolonlen. 
Annuaire Colonial. 
u#ritish Enst Africa Protcctornte. 
Luesasland. Blue Boo 
Sierra Leonc. Biue os k. 
zulletin de renseignements coloniaux. 
The Canada venr Book. 
Correspondence respecting the affairs of Samoa. 
Correspondence relating to affairs in South Aftica. 
Correspondence relating to affairs in the Transvanl 
and Orange River Colonr. 
rij Correspondence between the Secretary of State 
zae the Colonies and the Governor of EFji. 
14 Vappot annuel sur Padministration du Cdago bel 
Relazione sulla Somalia Italiana del Regente della 
Reporte of His Majesty's Agent and Consul General 
on the Finances, Administration, und Condition ol 
1. 3 n. 
##e FParliament of the E—i #of Australin. 
ritich New Guinen. 
of the chief of the r of Insular Affairs 
to the Secretarv of War. (Washington). 
Colonial Reports: Anguilla — Ashanti — Barbados 
— Bechunnaland Protectorate — Bermuda — Bahn- 
mas — Basutoland — British Central Africa Pro- 
tectorate — British Guiana — British Hondurns — 
Britichh New Guinca — British Solomon Ialands — 
Canada — Ceylon — Cocos Keelinge Islands — 
East Africa Protectorste — Falkland lelands — 
ü — Gambia — Gibraltar — Gold Coast — 
Prenach — Hong Kong — Jamaice — Labuan — 
Leeward lekaiene — Malta — Mauritius — 
Net# Foundlend’- — Northern Nigeria — Northern 
Territories of the Gold Coast — Nyasalund Pro- 
tectornte — St. Helenn — St. Lucia — St. Vincent — 
Somallland — Southern Nigerle- — Seychelles — 
Sierrn Leone — Straits Settlements — Swaziland — 
Tongan Islands Protectorate — Trinidad and Tobuge 
— Turks and — lelunds — Uganda — Wei- 
haiwei — Zululand. — Survers of Britich Africa, 
Ceylon, Cyprue, Fili, Jamaica, Trinidad, Britisb 
Honduras. — Report on the Work of the Amperial 
Blue Boock. 

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