Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1836. (13)

Actio-Stand der 
Amtspfle ge. 
bei den Gemeinde, Cassen. 
Andere Ausstände. 
Summe der Activen. 
1855. 1832 1835 32. 1832. 1855. 1832 1855. 
— — — 8,739 6,897 8,739 o, 932 
9,905 6,039 — 6,675 2.8 141,51„ 12,590 
20, 175 1 5,425 — 2,115 2,276 22,086 22,750 
— 1,555 209 2,291 3, 368 3,902 3,739 
— — — 2,509 1,129 2,509 1,129 
1,700 1,713 106 3,181 1,722 5,000 3,422 
10,000 — 72 1,722 2,255 11,094 12,255 
65,500 — — 3,772 5,257 72,829 70,757 
50,507 629 15,000 20,929 51,109 55,.752 
135 — 5,676 5,%66 5,811 5,826 
7,946 5,654 700 3,989 2,829 16,1115 
— 6,259 45590 1,386 15,679 7,760 23, 325 15, 149 
96,710 — 55 5,661 5,217 100, 5251, 89 
157 1,661 59 452 2,152 2,152 2,321 
5,661 2%%% 2 887 1,275 16,624 6.956 
— 1,324 9.755 — 55,498 20 565,052 9,657 
248,482 77,524 18,463 3,178 108,675 71,250 417, 867 

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