Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1852. (29)

III. Jaxtkreis. " "6 "6 "6 "; 
Aalen 17,915 23862 38 27138 
Crailsheim 22,253 89 3,858 3,728 29,928 
Ellwangen 31,281 46 5,420724 41,480 
Gaildorf. 23,844 — 3,22882 06 29,578 
Gerabronn 48,724 197 5,474 4,033 58,428 
Gmünd 21,620 8 4,479 6,510 32,617 
Hall 39,63534 6,006 55,456 55,330 
Heidenheim 30, 356 17 7,372 6,321 44,166 
Könzelsan 35,112 210 5450 4,506 45,278 
Mergentheim. 41,297 176 5,066 0,276 51,405 
Neresheim 27,647 22 3,8044 35,195 
Oehringen 48,924 368 6,790 4,550 60,632 
Schorndotf 20,278 6 5,40 2,874 D28,559 
Welzheim. 18,945 179 3,409 2,068 24,601 
— :. 56, sra n, 218 59,712 564, 335 

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