Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1870. (47)

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II. Schwarzwald- "; . ". "6 " . 
Balingen 31,128 —6,711 6,347 4,186 14,7282 
Calw. 22,096 74%0 , 35297 11,705 % 
Freudenstadt 25,750 9 5,33T 4,669 35,75911,9195 
Herrenberg 40,295 7 7,223 2,837 50,362 16,787 
Horb 28,047 90 7,24% 
Nagold 24, 542 44½,4 453 3 03 1½ 
Neuenbürg 15,791 244% 4,605234¼½ 
Nürtingen. 31,047 —6,926 4416 42,889 14,129, 
Oberndorf. 23,750 4% 512 10,940% 
Reutlingen 34,938 428 12,661 13,491 61,618 20,506 
Rottenburg 39,689 1593114 197 ½% 
Rottweil. 37,782 — 6,308 5,051 01 7 
Spalchingen 21,859 —- 3,1242,75827,741 9,247 
Sulz 27,186 — 4086 2,4753 11,249 
Tuttlingen. 29,113 —4,922 4,668 38,703 12001 
Tübingen 32,471 431059 6, 89 4 802 16,620 % 
Urach 30,282 — 6,9009 7,05744,248 14,749 
— 495,766 958 117, 454 700, 765 233588 ½ 

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