Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1876. (53)

Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark. 
III. Jaxtkreis. 
Aalen 45,825 — 11,258 7,942 65,025 
Crailsheim 58,259 125 8,923 8,355 75,662 
Ellwangen. 80,993 9 12,709 11,033 104,744 
Gaildorf 60,572 — 7,553 5,574. 73,699 
Gerabronn 125,603 1112955 9,784 148,343 
Gmünd. 55,533 — 11,221 18,519 85,273 
Hall. 102,036 — 13.585 12,020 127,641 
Heidenheim 78,132 20,339 16,890 115,361 
Künzelsau. 91,947 — 12,713 9,481 114,141 
Mergentheim 106,095 — 13,928 9,905 129,928 
Neresheim. 71,632 34 9,892 7,219 88,777 
Oehringen. 125,674 10,139 10,21234 
Schorndorf. 52,690 12253 7,053 71,996 
Welzheim. 48,824 47 7,667 4,605 61,523 
1, 103,815 59061% 114 447 

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