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46. 1II.
47. 3.
48. 2.
49. 1.
mit eigner Hand, with his own hand’; the def. or
indef. art. is often omitted in short adv. phrases, as auf
freiem Feld, auf halbem Wege, in kurzer Zeit, auf eigne
Gefahr, in gleicher Lage (1. 27).
u. ganz Deutschland, the whole of Germany'; similarly halb
Frankreich, ganz London; but die ganze Welt, sein ganzes
Vermögen (°property'), ein ganzer Mann #areal man,’
das ganze Vaterland (1. z2s). WM'hen are ganz and halb
Weißenburg, Gaisberg, Wörth: in the Rhine -valle
W. ofthe river on the opposite side 1o Karlsruhe. Spicheren,
just S. of Saarbrück. Metz, on the Alosel, a magnificent
fortress of the first rank, belonged to the French 1648 to
1871, now the capital of German Lorraine (Lothringen).
Maec-Mahon (i808— 93). duc de Magenta, Marshal of
France, was the second President of the third French
Republic 1873—70.
dem ähnliches, the like to it" its equal.
. die Schlachten am 14., 16., 18.: these great battles
were planned by Nloltke to prevent the advance of the French
either northwards or westwards and to hurl them back on
Schimmel, grey horse’: der Rappe black horse. con-
nected with Rabe raven'’; der Falben cream-coloured:;
der Isabell light bay'; der Fuchs chesinm“; der Scheck
. wohl vernahm er, no doubt he heard’; vernehmen to
learn by the ear’“; wahrnehmen to distinguish by the erc.
l. im großen und ganzen, on ihe #uhole’'; 8so, im
einzelnen in detail“; im allgemeinen in general’; in
kurzem shortl).“
ja, Fou ser’; cf. note, p. 3 1. 24.
verstummt, became dumb’ silenced. Why war and
not hatte? The prefik ver-- forms from adfij. verbs denoting
a change into or toward the condition indicatcd by the stem:
verkürzen 10 curtail“; vergrößern lo increase'; ver-
kühlen to cool’; veredeln to ennoble.'
verhallte, died away (of scund), is an egxample of a verr
frequent force of ver-, 1% of porber, exhaustion, as verhungern
to die of hunger’; verspielen to losc by play“; verblühen
do fade’; veralten o become obsolete.“
Diftierte: borrowed from the Fr., Germ. sagte in die Feder.