Full text: Die Hausgesetze der regierenden Deutschen Fürstenhäuser. Erster Band: Anhalt, Baden, Bayern, Braunschweig. (1)

and succeed in the Imperial Crown of this Kingdom, by Virtue of this Act, shall 
have the Coronation Oath administred to him, her, or them, at their respective 
Coronations, according to the Act of Parliament made in the first Year of the 
Reign of his Majesty, and the said late Queen Mary, intituled, An Act for esta- 
blisbing the Coronation Oath, and shall make, subscribe, and repeat the 
Declaration in the Act first above recited, mentioned, or referred to, in the Man- 
ner and Form thereby prescribed. III. And whereas it is requisite and necessary 
that some further Provision be made for securing our Religion, Laws, and Liber- 
ties, from and after the Death of his Majesty and the Princess Anne of Den- 
mark and in Default of Issue of the Body of the said Princess and of his Majesty 
respectively: Be it enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty, by and with the 
Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Par- 
liament asseınbled, and by the Authority of the same, That whosoever shall hereaf- 
ter come to the Possession of this Crown, shall joyn in Communion with the Church 
of England, as by Law established. That in Case the Crown and Imperial Dignity 
of this Realm shall hereafter come to any Person, not being a Native of this Kings- 
dom of England, this Nation be not obliged to engage in any War for the Defence 
of any Dominions or Territories which do not belong to the Crown of England, 
without the Consent of Parliament. T'hat no Person who shall hereafter come to 
the Possession of this Crown, shall go out of the Dominions of England, Scot- 
land or Ireland, without Consent of Parliament. That from and after the time 
that the further Limitation by this Act shall take effect, all Matters and Things 
relating to the well governing of this Kingdom which are properly cognizable in 
the Privy Council by the Laws and Customs of this Realm, shall be transacted 
there, and all Resolutions taken thereupon shall be signed by such of the Privy 
Council as shall advice and consent to the same. That after the said Limitation 
shal take effect, as aforesaid, no Person born "out of the Kingdoms of England, 
Scotland or Ireland, or the Dominions thereunto belonging (although he be 
naturalized or made a Denizen, except such as are born of English Parents) shall 
be capable to be of the Privy Council, or a Member of either House of Parliament, 
or to enjoy any Office or Place of Trust, either Civil or Military, or to have any 
Grant of Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments from the Crown to himself, or to 
any other or others in Trust for him. That no Person who has an Office or Place 
of Profit under the King, or receives a Pension from the Crown, shall be capable 
of serving as a Member of the House of Commons. That after the said Limitation 
shall take effect, as aforesaid Judges Conmissions be made quamdiu se bene 
gesserint, and their Salaries ascertained and established: But upon the Adress 
of both Houses of Parliament, it may be lawful to remove them. That no Pardon 
under the Great Seal of England be pleadable to an Impeachment by the Com- 
mons in Parliament. IV. And whereas the Laws of England are the Birth-right 
of the People thereof, and all the Kings and Queens, who shall ascend the Throne 
of this Realm, ought to administer te Government of the same according to the 
said Laws, and all their Officers and Ministers ought to serve them respectively 
according to the same: The said Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons,

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