34. 7. meinte, said’; meinen = to hold or express an opinion,'
as meinen Sie! do Fou think so?' was meinen Sie
damit? what do Fou mean by that? ilo mean. i.e.
Purpose, is also translated by) beabsichtigen, vorbaben; ich
hatte vor, einen Brief zu schreiben.
25. (er) hält es eben für ganz unmöglich, (he) considers
it duite impossible, yos noro. The difficulty of rendering
eben correctly is considcrable. This little particle is frequently
used in German. Offten it is equivalent to gerade, e.g. das
ist es ja eben well, that's just it, eben weil er es nicht
will just because he does not wish it’; sometimes it cor-
responds to our very, e. g. an eben der Stelle in that very
place, zu eben der Stunde at that very hour.' After a
negative Tadj. it may be rendered by kactly, e. g. er ist
nicht eben jung he is not eractly young. Sometimcs the
force of eben is dur Conversational you know, e. g. es mußt
es eben leiden it had to suffer on allow it, you know.“
35. 16. angebrochen, broken'; war and not hatte as anbrechen
is here an intrans. verb implvying change of condmion, such
as, er ist gestorben, genesen, eingeschlafen, eic. The prelix
an denotes commeceenz, as in anstimmen to strike up
music’; angeben to begin to deal’; anrücken to ad-
vance’; angreifen to grasp at’ attack.’
„ 22. ob es nicht das beste sei: this is the usual form of an
indirect duestion. The direct would be: ist es nicht das
beste! ct#er wollte wissen, wer der Mann sei, von wo
er komme, was er wolle, und wohin er gehe. Notice
that the #en#se ol the dependent verb has no connexion with
that of the principal verb; sce notc, p. 7 l. k.
, 26. je weiter ab, desto schrecklicher, the farther away, the
more terrible ; j je, je .. desto, je .. um so are
three forms of expressing the the’ with the comparative.
je höher man steigt, desto (um so) kälter wird die Luft
air’'). Distinguish between the principal and dependent
clauses by the position of the finite verb.
36. 2. Herwarth von Bittenfeld (71796—1884) lock part in the
Warof Liberation (Freiheitskrieg or Befreiungskrieg) and in
the campaigns ol 1860, 1864, 1866; in 1871 he reiired as
Fieldmarshal. The r3th Infanterieregiment is named
(benannt) alter him.
„ 4. sei .. kaum zu denken: see p. 71. 1. p. 5 1. 24, p. 36
1. 24.
„ 8. daß Moltke . sei, that MNl. had again stolen a march
upon him. Die Spanne is. like v#z. the space from the end
#f the thumb to the end of the litule finger when extended;