11. 17.
42. 1.
43. 3
44. 5.
45. 7
46. 9.
recognition of his invaluable services on that memorable
The mies #of Austria having likewise been defeated, an
armistice was arranged at Nikolsburg, which was soon.
followed by the conclusion of peace.
The extraordinary success of Prussia aroused the jealousy
#0 f France.
VII (pp. 42—5 1)
Prussia's ascendency in consequence of the war of 1866
induced France to look out for an opportunity to
humiliate her.
Whoever wishes to find an opportunity for quarrelling will
soon find one.
The indignation of the whole French nation was aroused
by the Spaniards offering their throne to a prince cf
The King of Prussia had no right to forbid the hereditary
Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen the acceptance of
the ofler.
Prince Leopold on hearing of the danger of his involving
the Fatherland in a war with Francc at once refused the
acceptance of the Spanish throne.
VWhen King William refused to consider the further demands
of France in this matter, the French ambassador tock
his departure and France declared war.
JNot only Prussia but also Bavaria and the other South
German states prepared for war.
JNapoleon himself with his son Louis had arrived near
Saarbrücken and placed himself at the head of the
French army.
The French to all appearance intended to make an attack,
but they hesitated and gave the Germans time to get
When the French at last opened fire on Saarbrücken the
small garrison withdrew after a short resistance, and
eyen then Napoleon did not venture to advance on
German territorty.
King William made an appeal to the united German
troops from bis headquarters at Mlayence, and a few days
later Came news of the first victory at Weissenburg.