61. 1.
62. 3.
63. 5.
64. 7.
65. 9
66. 11.
67. 13.
IX (pp. 61-70)
Germany now acquired considerable territories in Africa
and established German colonies.
For the protection of the colonies the emperor increased
the navy and had new warships built.
The Imperial German GCovernment was occupied in
making provision for workmen in Case of illness and
accident and in establishing old-age pensions.
Wbhile the emperor was thus busy with taking measures,
for the welfare of his people two attempts were made
On his life by members of a party which aimed at the
cverthrow of the existing order of things.
The sympathy which was shown the old emvperor in
those days by his people is unique in the annals of the
rulers of all times.
On June 11, 1879 the emperor- hero celebrated his
golden wedding in the midst of his children and
grandcehildren. «
congratulations in the name of the whole German army.
The emperor in returning thanks with his customary
modesty said that he owed his present position entirely
to the bravery, devotion and endurance of his soldiers.
The ninetieth birthday of the emperor gave occasion for
one of the most splendid celebrations Germany had
erer seen.
This festal day showed in what veneraticn the emperor
was held by all the nations of the world, and how
warm.) the hearts et his subjects beat for him.
When Boulanger was minister for war in France he fanned
the idea of revenge among the French people into
The consequence was that the bill for increasing the
German army by 41,000 men within the next seren
Fears was passed by the Imperial Parliament.
The passing of the army-bill by Parliament was made
known to the emperor on his nineticth birthday, and
he considered this the most handsome birthday-present
the nation could have made him.
In these circumstanccs Beulanger gave up hopc, resigned
and left France.