and arrived in Paris. lloaring revicwed his troops on
the Champ de Mars he opened the campaign afresh.
He left Paris on June 12 and established his bead-
duarters at Beaumont, with the Sambre before him and
the AMleuse on his right. The world-famed battle of
Waterloo decided Napoleon's fate for ever. The allied
troops were victorious and invaded France. Prince
William entered Paris for a second time at the head of
his battalion. Napoleon was banished to St. Helena
where he died six years later. Prince William's qdualifica-
tions for a military career were unmistakeablen When
he was twenty he was made colonel; at the age of
thirty-one he was promoted licutenant-general, and became
general commanding an army-Torps. On February 16,
1826 he had become engaged, and in the following June
the wedding tock place. In 1831, on the anniversary
of the great battle of Leipzig, was born his first son,
afterwards Emperor Frederick and husband of the Princess
Royal of England. On the death of his father, King
Frederick William III., and the accession of his elder
brother in 1840, Prince William received the title of
“ Prince of Prussia," and at the säme time became general
#of infantry and governor of Pomerania. At this time the
Prussian nation evinced a desire for greater freedom,
which led to the revolution of 1848. The military
were called out to put down the rioters in Berlin. A
sharp fight in tbe streets of the capital embittered the
leaders of the revolution against the Prince of Prussia,
who had to leave the country for a time. He went to
England, but returned in June 1848.
V (pp. 24—31)
Quiet and order having been restored in northern
Germany, the Prince of Prussia was appointed com-
mander-in-Cchief of an army to put down the revolts in
the Palatinate and in Baden. The king recognised the