Page LIE
F I.
is sometimes added— Königssohn, Handelsvertrag, but
Landhaus, Vaterland, Atemnot.
2. M’hen #st component is fem. it is (z) unaltered, (2) takes
the old gen. sing. infleK. en, (3) adds s to term. --heit,-ion,
zkeit,schaft, z-tät, ung: (r) Naturgemälde, Brustkrampf;
(2) Familienleben; (3) Anziehungzkraft, Krankheits-
im Kreise der Seinen: note that die meinen, die
deinen sthine etc., when writen with a capital always
refer to members of one’'s familx.
. das Eiland -Einland, isolaled land. is not related to
island’; while die Insel is from insula.
schon früher: schon = as earlk as’ alre#adr’“ eren. For
gocd examples of schon sece p. 13 I. 17, p. 18 l. 2. p. 2
1. 20, P. 20 L. 25. P. 35 1. 12. p. 62 1. 11.
erklärten es für.. pronounced it to be. corresponds
to the Latin double acc. of direct obj. and the Complement;
similarly halten für to consicker’'; betrachten als to
regard as’; ernennen zu. Er ernannte ihn zum General
he made him a general'’; and in pass. p. 16 1. 24 P. W.
wurde zum Major ernannt.
. abberufen werde: uhx subjunctive? Cf. p. 7 1. 4.
ihres Vaters: cf. p. 21. 21.
Hohenzieritz: a couniry resiäence of the (Trand Duke of
5. nach durchfahrener Nacht, after a night journey.
durchfahren o pass time in travelling is conjugated with
haben, but durchfahren to travel through' is conjugatec with
sein. Similar verbs, j.e.sometimes separable (trennbar) and
sometimes inseparable (untrennbar). according to use and
meaning, are those Ccompounded with über, um, unter, cs.
umarmen to embrace, ungehen to go round.’ and
umgehen to aroid’; cf. p. 13 I. 28 durcheilten die
Schluchten rushed ihe ravines’ p. 19 1. 26 umgebaut.
Notice in your reading that these compound verbs are generally
separable when used in a lireral (buchstäblich) sense and
inseparable when used figuratively (bildlich), as übersetzen
to ferry across, and übersetzen to translate'’; also that
they are separable when neuter and inseparable when transi-
tive. See note, P. 11. 12.
„21. alles, was .. tonnte, all he could sax.“ Jote (1) the