Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

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12. 20. er hätte .. ertragen können: as in Latin (gotuissenm 
.unter dem Fürsten Gortschakoff, Michael (1795-1861), 
pati) and Fr. (il cunqil a3 J#07h-) German can form the 
correct Construction, i.c., the past part. of the verb of mood 
and the pres. of the dependent intin. In English can’' Wwill’ 
must’ shall’ are defective, and the correct Construction can 
Oonly be given by such expressions as he would have been 
able to endure’ he might hauve been obliged to come’’he 
would have been allowed to see it %he would have wished, 
liked to deo it. Give German for these. 
fl. Bruder Karl, died r883, father of the famous Friedrich 
Karl, der rote Prinz, General-Feldmarschall, died 1885. 
. die Schlachten bei Großbeeren, August 23. 1873, Bülow' 
and Bernadotte defeatech Oudinot; an der Katzbach, 
August 26, where Blücher all but annihilatcc Macdonald; 
bei Dennewitz, September 6, Bülow defeated Ney. 
die Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig: October 16, 18. 10. 
This battle cf Nations, of Prussians, Austrians, and 
Russians against Napoleon, ended in ihe defeat of the 
French and their retreat over the Rhine followed by the 
Allies. Am 1. Januar überschritt Blücher den Rhein bei 
. Brienne, La Rothirre, Bar-sur-Aube: vlaces in 
France, easily located on the map. 
. das Fell geklopft: einem das Fell klopfen, gerben to 
give some one à good dressing“ tan some one's hide.“ 
werden heut: supply wir before werden and ich beftore 
schon von weitem: see note, p. 7 Il. 30. 
Jäger-Regimenter, riflemen. The German Army has 
nineteen battalions. 
vertreten waren . . geführt wurden: a good example 
## the difference between waren with a past part. express- 
ing a state or condition, their numbers were greater, and 
wurden, expressing action, were being led The latter 
is the true pass. imperf. 
durcheilten: see note, p. 8 1. 15. 
auf Hochebene: see note, p. 2 1. ar. 
afterwards Commander-in-Chief of the Russian army in the 
Crimean war, 18585. 
. Flügel-Adjutanten, A.D.C., the oflcer at his side. Cf. 
Flügelmann üilelleader.

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