Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

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19. 26. umgebaut = built anew’; in this sense um is separable, 
but inseparable is umbauen to surround with buildings.“ 
Ct. sich umkleiden to change one's dress“; umsteigen 
to change (trains).' 
U 31. Friedrich, afterwards the noble Kaiser Friedrich III., the 
husband of Princess Victoria of England. He reigned onlyr 
three months and died in 1888. He was succeeded by the 
Present (l9oz) German Emperor, Wilhelm II 
die jetzige Großherzogin von Baden was wmarried in 
1856 to Friedrich l. (1826— ) who nas Regent’ from 
182 When he became Grossherzog. 
"„ 9. Statthalter von Pommern, Covernor of Pomerania. Br 
his father's death Wilhelm became heir-presumptive, and in 
1842 he acted as Regent while Friedrich Wilhelm III. was 
in England- 
20. Drang nach freierer Bewegung, striving after freer 
movement ’ i.e. more elbow space for the action of individuals, 
say after greater freccom.“ 
„ 22. es hatte sich . überlebt, much too had certainl) 
become antiqduated. 
„ 28. allerdings, it is true' certainlr neuerdings latelr,“ 
schlechterdings absolutely, are irregular forms of adverbial 
genitives; they should be allerdinge, and ihe 8 has crept in 
to make them similar to such adverbs as links, rechts, 
29. bei ruhiger Erwägung, on calm consideration. A fre- 
duent use ef bei is 1o dencdie conjunction of events: bei diesem 
Wetter muß man zu Hause bleiben, and p. 2t l. 16 bei 
derartigen Veranlassungen, p. 27 1. 1 bei aller Tapferteit 
With all the bravery,' etc. 
Louis Philipp: ihe Citizen King left Paris in Jan. 1848. 
France had accomplished another Rerolution and established 
another Republic. Her edgample spread freelr over Europe. 
everyKhere was ein mächtiger Drang nach freierer Be- 
wegung (p. 20 U 20). 
k4Al. fing es zu spektakeln an: this impersonal use of 
ordinary trans. or intrans. verbs coners ühe idea of action 
without indicating a definie subjecit; this must be supplied 
from the context; here people began to make disturb- 
ances. Cf. I. 14 ging es .. ab matiers did not pass off 
without blcodshed. 
Ll. 16—20 afford three instances of the Prep. an with dat. 
and in p. 25 1. 22 is an Macht . zunahm: an has ine force 
of with respect to, and follows words expresseg plent and 
20. 2 

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