Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

NoOTES 89 
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23. 7. Spandau: a strong sortress on the Spree, not far from 
I13. sei : the subj. os quoted opiuion. 
14. dem Königtum, the office of king“ royalt)“; but 
kingom’ = das Königreich. 
P 23. nach Charlottenburg: see note, p. 17 1. 6. 
"„ 27. gährte es im Süden weiter, a state of unrest continued 
in the south: gähren to ferment is connected with 
Jeal“: see p. 27 1. 8. 
„29. in der Pfalz, i.e. die untere Pfalz, Unterpfalz, or Rhein- 
pfalz: its capital #u#s Heidelberg. Tle Cberpfalz was, 
situated E. of Nürmeorg, with its capftal Arnberg. The 
Unterpfalz now forms parts of Baden, Bayern, Hesse- 
Darmstadt and Prussia. 
die war, and to put them down was an absclute 
necessit) ; das Gebot a bicchng, law.) Not kennt 
kein Gebot necessity knows no law. “ 
24. 3. Karlsruhe, capital (Hauptstadt) of ihe Grossherzogtum 
Paden, is built in the shape of a fan (eines Fächers) with 
the castle as a centre and ihe streets radiating from it. 
Rastatt: a fortress on the Alurg in Baden, formerly (till 
1771) the Residenz of the Alarkgraf von Baden-Baden. 
Leopold von Baden: Karl Friedrich (1790—18 32), Gross- 
herzog von Baden 1036—32. 
T7. Mainz, Fr. Iayence. capital of the Prorinz Rheinhessen on 
the left bank of the Rhing. 
P,, 10. Orden pour le mérite or Militair-Verdienstorden, foundec 
as early as 1667, was given # Friedrich der Grosse in 1710 
as a reward for distinction in the field, Corresponding to the 
English D.S.O. 
die Schwerter zum roten Adler-Orden: these tu#o 
golden Crossed swords were not added till 1818. The order 
existed from r734, and in 1702 Friedrich W’ilhelm II. adopted 
it as an order of the Prussian House. 
„, 20. im deutschen Staatenbund: see note, p. 28 1. 21. 
, 21. hatte es .gewettert, tlil: had been at intervals 
suspicious threatenings of storm F: see p. 21 I. 8. 
„ 30. sollte eben . . erhalten, was. according to report, on 
the point of receiv ng ihe ch’#frommand."! Eben, an ad., 
meanns just egactly'; so eben just now ; eben so gut 
qlduite as gocd’; as ad. = smooth lerel. Even' besore

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