a noun selbst: selbst der Greis lächelte even the old
man smiled.
25. 1. dieses habe sich . or daß dieses sich . habe. When
may daß be omitted in dep. sentences? According to
Weisse (Ceaz □aznzazx) in all Ccases, except in such
sentences as the following:
sagen Sie, daß es unrecht ist?
ich wußte nicht, daß Sie hier waren.
ich freue mich, daß Sie hier sind.
es thut mir leid, daß Sie gehen müssen.
What kind of sentences are the principal ones?
"„ 6. wer mochte verargen: see note, p. 10 1l. 22.
„ 11. Olmütz: a town in ANloravia (Mähren) on the Nlarch. The
conference was held in November 1850 between the ministers
#of Austria, Russia, and Prussia.
, 12. von Manteuffel, Otto Theodor, Freiherr von (1805—82).
„p 15. Koblenz: derived from confluentes, as it is situated at the
junction of the Mosel (Fr. Aoselze) and the Rhine. I is a
strongly garrisoned town, faced on the opposite bank by the
magnificent fortress of Ehrenbreitstein.
„, 29. auch sonst, in other respecis too. Sonst jemand 'some
one else’; sonst wohnten sie aus dem Land formerly
they lived in the country'; er ist sonst um 12 Uhr zu
Hause he is usually at home at middapy.-
26. 12. Halle: a University town on the Saale.
„ IJ4. wiederholen, to repeat, is the only compound of wieder
that is insep.: er holte wieder he fetched back.“
18. im weißen Saal: see note, p. 3 I. 4.
,, 30. falls . sollte, should oy were destined to be. Here
sollte suggests a possibility and thus sometimes= can’:
sollte das die Wahrheit sein? can that be the truth?'
27. 1. bei. Hingabe, with all he see note, p. 20 1l. 29.
„ 2. war (es) . gut zu sagen, was there hardly any securi#y";
es may be omitted in the inverted construction.
„a. zielte dahin . . zu, aimed at keeping’; see p. 9 I. 4,
P. 21 1. 28.
, 6. Napoleon III.: see p. 16 l. 20. After many adventures he
became President of the Republic in 1848 and Emperor in
y7. gar begehrliche, very covetous'; gar bas originally the
meaning of finished“- applied to meat (Fleisch), done