302 Bücherschan.
La verite sur la situation militaire en Belgique, par le rapporteur de la loi
de 1845. 8. 39 p. Bruxelles. (7 Ngr.)
Reden, Frhr. v., Frankreichs Staatshaushalt u. Wehrkraft unter den vier
letzten Regierungsformen. Eine statist. Skizze. 8. 42 S. Darmstadt,
Jonghaus. (!/s Thlr.; 27 kr. rh.)
Maitland, J. G., Property and income tax. Schedule A and Schedule D.
2. edit. — Derselbe: Property and income tax: the present state of Ihe
question. Ed. Rev. CXCVIII, 531.
Zubli, A. J., Invloed der Gemeentewet op de invordering van Plaatselijke
belastingen. 8. Utrecht, W. H. van Heyningen. (60 c.)
Jaarboekje der Regterlijke Magt in het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. Go-
rinchem, A. van der Mast. (1 fl. 40 c.)
Sittliche Zustände, Erziehung.
Warren, Sam., The intellectual and moral development of the present
age. 12. 131 p. (2 s. 6 d.)
Duchesne, E. A., De la prostitution dans la ville d’Alger depuis la con-
quöte. 8. 14!/2 f. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, Garnier freres,
Mann, Horace, Report of an educational tour in Germany, France, etc.
With preface and notes, by W. B. Hodgson. 3. edition. 12. (2 s. 6.d.)
— Fletcher, Jos., The farm-school system of the continent, and
its applicability to the preventive and reformatory education of pauper
and criminal children in England and Wales. Ath., March, p. 385. —
Playfuir, Industrial instruction on the continent; being the intro-
ductory lecture of the session 1852—53, at the museum of practical
geology. 8. 54 p. (6 d.) — Kay, Jos., The condition and education
of poor children in english and in german towns. 8. (1 5.) — Shultt-
leworth, Jos. Kay, Public education as affected by the minutes of
the committee of privy council from 1846 to 1852. London. Ed. Rev.
CXCVIIH, 461.— Wilkinson, John, Popular education: the national
society; the two Manchester schemes ; the committee of priyy council.
A letter to — Edw. Denison. 8. (4 s.) — Rendu, Eugene, De l'in-
struction a Londres dans ses rapports avec l’etat social. 2. edition
augmentede. 8. 16%/s f. Paris, Hachette.
Jube de la Perrelle, C., Guide des salle d’asile. 2. edition. 8. 9/2 f.
plus 3 pl. Paris, Hachette. (2 fr.-50 c.)
Annuaire de }’instructiion publique de Belgique, publie sur les documents
fournis par le departement de l’interieur; annee 1853. 8. 103 p. Bruxelles.
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