Full text: Archiv für öffentliches Recht. Band 42 (42)

—- 15 — 
Dasselbe, Documents of the Conference. Memoranda of Economic Experts. 
Statistical Memoranda on Currency, Public Finance, and Trade. 
GEORGE D. HERRON, The Defeat in the Victory. (Cecil Palmer 7 s 6 d). 
H. Duncan Hauı, The British Commonwealth of Nations. A Study of its 
Past and Future Developments (Methuen, 10s 6d) [vom australischen 
GEORGE ARTHUR Woon, William Shirley Governor of Massachusetts, 1741 
bis 1756 A History. Vol. I (New York: Columbia University. London 
P. S. King). 
A. H. PoLey, The Imperial Commonwealth. A Survey of Commercial. In- 
dustrial, and Social History from the Tudor Period to Recent Times 
(Cassell, 12 s 6. d). 
KHASHERAO JADHAVA, Wake up Princes 2nd Ed. (Baroda, Author. 6 s) [für 
die volle Souveränität der indischen Fürsten]. 
GEOFFREY CLARKE, J. C. S. The Post Office of India and its Story (John 
Lane, 16 s). 
C.F. Anprews, Indian Independence. The immediate need (Madras Ganesh) 
[von einem Anhänger Gandhis]. 
MAHATMA GANDHI, Freedom’s Battle. Being a Comprehensive Collection 
of his writings and speeches on the Present Situation (Madras, Ganesb. 
Rs 2. 8.) 
Sozialisierung, Kommunismus, UÜtopien. 
J. A. HosBson, Problems of a New World (Allen and Unwin 7s 6.d). 
VAcHen LINDSAY, The Golden Book of Springfield (New York, The Mac- 
millan Co. 21 s) [Utopie]. 
G. R. Stıruing, Taylor Guild Politics. A practical programme for the 
Labour Party and the Cooperators (Cecil Palmer > s 6.d). 
Sir WILLIAM BLAKE RICHMOND, Democracy-false or true? (Cecil Palmer 
6 8) [Utopie]. 
J. C. VESTAL, The Maintenance of Peace (Putnam 25 s) [Utopie eines ameri- 
kanischen Militaristen]. 
J. Brucz GtAsıEer, William Morris and the early days of the Socialist 
movement. With a Preface by May Morris (Longmans 6s 6.d). 
B. P. Wapvıa, Labour in Madras. With a foreword by Col. Josiah C. 
Wedgwood (Madras: S. Ganesan and Co). 
FRANK COMERFORD, The new world (Appleton 10 s 6d) [besonders Ruß- 
land und die Vereinigten Staaten]. 
EDWARD CARPENTER, Civilization: its Cause and Cure, and other Essays. 
(Nearly enlarged Edition) (Allen and Unwin 8s 6.d).

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