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Hon. Joun W. Davıs, The Constitution of the United States. An Intro-
ductory public lecture delivered under the Rhodes benefaction at
University College, London, on January 17, 1921 (University of Lon-
don Press, 1s 5.d).
J. WEBSTER Brown, The Finance Acts, 1894—1919, to far as they relate
to the Estate Duty, and other Death Duties (except Increment Value
. Duty) 4ih Ed. (Stevens 25 3).
Sır NATHANIEL J. HıiGHMoRE, The Stamp Laws 4th Ed. containing the
Stamp Acts, 1891, and Amending Acts, 1893—1920, by Ch. C. Gal-
lagher (Stevens 15 s).
Right Hon. C. F. G. MASTERMAN, How England is governed (Selwyn and
Blount 8 s 6 d). [Bürgerkunde in sehr anschaulicher Darstellung
für Laien].
HORACE SAMUEL SEAL, The State: true and false, with further consideration
concerning Sovereignty. (Watts 6 d). [Pamphlet gegen das Ueber-
greifen der Exekutive im Staat].
RAymonn B. Fospick, American Police Systems (New York, Century
Company) [mit wertvollen Nachweisen über die politischen Ver-
wendungen der Polizei in den U.S.A.]
Sir STEPHEN DEMETRIADI, A Reform for the Civil Service (Cassel 5 s 6. d).
Sir KınasLev Woop, The Law and Practice with regard to housing in
England and Wales. With a Preface by Chr. Addison. (Frowde
and Hodder & Stonghton, 42 s).
Parteipolitik, Politische Führer, Parlament.
CHARLES TREVELYAn, From Liberalism to Labour (Allen and Unwin
1 s 6 d) [Trevelyans Gründe für den Uebertritt zur Labour Party].
Count WITTE, The Memoirs Translated by A. Yarmolinsky (Heinemann
21 s).
J. B. Chester, Venizelos A Biography (Constable 21 s).