Full text: Staatslexikon. Fünfter Band: Staatsrat bis Zweikampf. (5)

America (2 Bde, Neuyork 1886); T. Booker Wash- 
ington u. W. Du Bois, The Negro in the South 
(Philad. 1907); V. Sieg, The Negro Problem 
(Mad. 1908); W. P. Pickett, The Negro Pro- 
blem (Neuyork 1909); H. H. Johnston, The Ne- 
gro in the New World (Lond. 1910). — Deutsch- 
tum: J. Goebel, Das Deutschtum in den V. S. 
von Amerika (1904); G. v. Bosse, Das deutsche 
Element in den V. S. usw. (Neuyork 1908); G. 
v. Skal, History of German Immigration in the 
United States (ebd. 1909); R. Cronau, Drei 
Jahrhunderte deutschen Lebens in Amerika (1909); 
A. B. Faust, The German Element in the United 
States (2 Bde, Boston u. Neuy. 1909); H. Münster- 
berg, Aus Deutsch-Amerika (1909). — Einwan- 
derung: P. F. Hall, Immigration and its effects 
upon the United States (Neuyork 1906); J. R. 
Commons, Races and Immigrants in America 
(ebd. 1907); C. Salvy, L'immigration aux Etats- 
Unis et les lois fédérales (Par. 1908); M. E. 
Coolidge, Chinese Immigration (Neuyork 1909); 
Chinese and Japanese in America (ebd. 1909); 
#½s Improvement in the United States (ebd. 
III. Staatswesen. Verfassung u. Verwaltung: 
Texte: F. N. Thorpe, Federal and State Consti- 
tutions, Colonial Charters etc. (7 Bde, Wash. 
1909); J. Quayle Dealey, Our State Constitutions 
(Philad. 1907). — Schlief, Die Verfassung der 
nordamerikan. Union (1880); H. v. Holst, Das 
Staatsrecht der V. S. von Amerika (1885); J. J. 
Hare, Americon Constitutional Law (Boston 
1889); A. Carlier, La République Américaine 
(4 Bde, Par. 1890); J. Story, Commentaries of 
the Constitution of the United States (2 Bde, 
Boston *1891); R. Foster, Commentaries on the 
Constitution of the United States (Neuyork 1896); 
A. Rentner, Die Verfassung für die V. S. von 
Amerika (1901); Howard, Das amerikan. Bürger- 
recht (1903); H. Blumenthal, Die politischen Ein- 
richtungen der V. S. von Amerika (1904); J. 
Mercy, Party Organisation and Machinery in 
the United States (Lond. 1904); W. W. Mill- 
oughby, The American Constitutional System 
(Neuyork 1904); A. Smith, The Spirit of Ame- 
rican Government (ebd. 1907); S. D. Feß, The 
History of Political Theory and Party Organi- 
sation in the United States (Dayton 1907); 
F. J. Stimson, The Law of the Federal and 
State Constitutions of the U’nited States (Lond. 
1908); ders., The American Constitution etc. 
(Neuyork 1908); W. Wilson, Constitutional Go- 
vernment in the United States (eb. 1908); H. C. 
Gauß, The American Government: Organizstion 
and Oflicials etc. (ebd. 1908); Voy de Voya, The 
inner Life of the United States (Lond. 1908); 
LV. C. Meyer, Wahlamt u. Vorwahl in den V. S. 
(1908); Ch. Meyerholz, Zwei Beiträge zur Ver- 
fassungsgeschichte der V. S. (1908); W. H. Bart- 
lett, Handy Book of American Government 
(Neuyork 1908); E. Foster, Cyclopedia of Civil 
Covernment (Chicago 1908); E. Kaufmann, Aus- 
wärtige Gewalt und Kolonialgewalt in den V. S. 
(1908); H. E. Deming, The (jovernment of Ame- 
rican Cities (Neuyork 1909); F. A. Cleveland, 
Chapters on Mumcipal Administration und Ac- 
counting (ebd. 1909); H. K. Johnson, Women 
and the Republic (ebd. 1909); G. B. Klein, La 
teoria dei tre poteri nel diritto costituzionale del 
Vereinigte Staaten. 
Nord-America (I, Florenz 1909); F. J. Goodnow, 
Municipal Government (Neuyork 1909); P. S. 
Reinsch, Readings on American federal Govern- 
ment (Boston 1909); W. Woodbury, The Con- 
stitutional Law of the United States (2 Bde, 
Neuyork 1910); R. L. Ashley, American Govern- 
ment (Lond. 1910); D. F. Wilcox, Great Cities 
in America, their Problems and their Govern- 
ment (Neuyork 1910); J. Freund, Das öffentliche 
Recht der V. S. von Amerika (1911); Martin- 
dales American Law Directory (Neuyork, seit 
1869 jährlich). — Rechtspflege: Willoughby, The 
Supreme Court of the United States etc. (Balt. 
1890); W. Vocke, Handbuch der Rechtspflege in 
den V. S. (1891); Andrews, American Law (Chi- 
cago 1900); Baernreither, Jugendfürsorge u. 
Strafe in den V. S. (1905); A. Hartmann, Die 
Strafrechtspflege in Amerika (1906); P. Herr, 
Das moderne amerikan. Besserungssystem (1907); 
M. Lederer, Amerikan. Jugendgerichte (1908); A 
Nerincx, L'organisation judiciaire aux Etats-Unis 
(Par. 1909); H. Taylor, Jurisdiction and Proce- 
dure of the Supreme Court of the United States 
(Rab. 1908); Correction and Prevention (4 Bde 
u. Suppl., Neuyork 1910); G. Stammer, Straf- 
vollzug u. Jugendschutz in Amerika (1911). — 
Heer u. Flotte: J. D. Long, New American Navy 
(2 Bde, Lond. 1904); R. W. Neeser, Stat. and 
Chronolog. History of the United States Navy 
(2 Bde, Neuyork 1909); le Juge, Das Heer der 
V. S. (1907); Das Heer der V. S. (1910: Bei- 
heft 122 zur Internat. Revue über die gesamten 
Armeen u. Flotten). 
IV. Geistige Kultur. Unterricht usw.: P. 
Coubertin, Universités transatlantiques (Par. 
1890); Benj. J. Wheeler, The Organization of 
Higher Education in the United States (Neuyork 
1896); Ath. Zimmermann, Die Universitäten in 
den V. S. (1896); Murray-Butler, Monrographs 
on Education in the United States (Albany 
1900 ff); Hoyt, Die Schulverwaltung in den V. 
S. (1904); E. G. Dexter, History of Education 
in the United States (Neuyork 1904); K. Knortz, 
Die amerikan. Volksschule (1904); Chancellor, 
American Schools, their Administration and Su- 
pervision (Lond. 1905); H. Leobner, Die Grund- 
züge des Unterrichts= u. Erziehungswesens in den 
V. S. (1907); Kuypers, Volksschule u. Lehrerbil= 
dung in den V. S. (1907); S. Müller, Techn. Hoch- 
schulen in Nordam. (1908); E. D. Perry, Die amerik. 
Universität (1908); S. J. Dutton u. D. Sned- 
den, The Administration of Public Education in 
the United States (Lond. 1908); J. F. Brown, 
ITihe American High School (ebd. 1909); C. Cle- 
men, Der Religions- u. Moralunterricht in den 
V. S. (1909); E. E. Slosson, Great American 
Universitios (Neuyork 1910); Wilh. Müller, Das 
amerikanische Volksbildungswesen (1910); B. J. 
Wheeler, Unterricht u. Demokratie in Amerika 
1910). — A. E. Bostwick, The Amorican Public 
Laibrary (Neuyork 1910); J. E. Rogers, The Ame- 
rican Newspapers (Chicago 1909); American 
Newspaper Directory (jährl., Philadelphia). — 
siber Kirche u. Staat vgl. K. Rothenbücher, Die 
Trennung von Staat u. Kirche (1908) 116/177 u. 
die dort angeführlte Literatur; ferner B. Hammer, 
Die kathol. Kirche in den V. S. Amerikas (Neu- 
york 1897); F. T. Morton, The Roman Catholic 
Church and its Relation to the federal Govern-- 

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