Full text: Gesetz-Sammlung für die Königlich Preußischen Staaten. 1849. (40)

In Appoints à 100 Rthllr. Su m m a. 
Stüt.Bleiben — Stuckzahl der zu leibt 
Amorgtitdtn Amor= omorristrenden * 
tisa- aObligationen. Kzi tisa· DObligationen «- 
Zinsen. 'amor- galonen.NBinsen. tgaltonen. #ts-Obli- 
tion= Kisiren- 7* tions= 7 gationen- 
. S — rE—8 E— n 
Betrag. aet- GAoeital. Betrag. 1NHapital. 
- S 
mfls n2u3 
Uebertrag 732|1404/1957 
30,215 00O0 SiRI351102 135/2,580, 100 
29,5403,800138 577077,00H 512% 108 13812,323,7 00 
28,8505,200|2 18 5°1, 80| 2 185 65,52351 56 112 152 2, 45 56. 100 
28.0005,7001 4„00 25 12230 68815 69 116 1552 a80. aoo 
27,305 16, 400 164 5297/529,700 0019, 4065 2 164 2,317,100 
26,485 5 353565 17412, 241, 200 
25,01518, 50 185 i03/00, 800 15 112,060 °1,; 500 
24,690 18, 800 188 4750 475,00%600 00 
23,7502 300 203 4547 454,7000858 2 0, 100 
22,7352420020%% 158, 2121,897,800 
21 * 22,100221 414•411,400 30 94,890, 830 166 22111, 801,000 
20, 5703,400|2 80|3,QOO00 90,05001,0787|4 2341,699,300 
19, 400 23,900 239 364 10364, 100 55 84,905100, 755, 000 
18, 20525,700257384 338, 400 79,630 112,09090192 257, 180, 500 
16, 9202, 800 28 311 311,0010 202 26811, 362, 800 
15,580 28,200 282 2834 283,400 20 68,140 123,580 106 212 28211,239, 200 
14,170 |29,800 298 25 36 253, 600 80 61,960 129,760 111 222 9, 500 
12,680 31,000|310 2220/222, 600 25 55,475 136,2451 117 234 2 
11,130 33,200 3321894189, !10 85 48,0600 143,000 22 44%8 200 
9,470 34,100 34115 3155 ,300 4,510 150,2 119258 341Z4 000 
7,.765 36, 300 36311190 1198,000 15 34,000 157,720 135 270 3631 522,200 
5,950 37,800 378812, [ 0025 20,110165,01014 3781 356, 600 
Ao6o 39800 398 414 414001 1517830 1732 8890 149 298 388 182.700 
2,070 41, 400 4444 . · 9,135182,685157314414 . 
Summa P000 o 8000 

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