Full text: Gesetz-Sammlung für die Königlich Preußischen Staaten. 1853. (44)

In Appoints à 500 Rthlr. 
In Appoints à 200 Rthlr. 
1sten Stuͤck- Bleiben Stuͤck- Bleiben 
Ja= Zinsen Amor-aahl der Prioritäts-Obli- T Amor-ahl derrioritäts-Obli- 
nuar tisaessm gationen tisaz zu gationen 
des ½n tions= arui — 45 tions- zmortitt — 
O"b pEt. renden api pCt. rendenn 
#h Betrag Lalen, 7 Kapital. Betrag. —ie Kapital. 
7 2 tionen. 5 7. 7 2 tionen. 
1858 — — — 750,000 — — — 13000 600,000 
1859 30,000 5,000 10 1490745,000%000 00 20 2980| 596,000 
1800) 29,8000 5,500 111479y00 00 222958 591,600 
18060129,580 5,500 111408%0 4,400 22293087,200 
1856229,100 , 50“ 11 O 48S 022 29, 800 
180329,14000 12144500 23,312 4,800 242890|7S, OOO 
18641 28,900 6,000 121433 500 23 120 4,800 242800|733, 200 
1865528,6600 % 00 13420 200 206 2840 OOO 
1800 28, 40%0 131407 50 20|, 200 20 2814% 
1807| 28,140%,000 144 0012000 282780 557,200 
186827,600%v,000 14 00 22, 288 5.6001 28 12758 551.600 
186027, 5600 15130·82, 000 22,06 400 302728 545,600 
187027,2600 00 15 13497“, 500 2 40 302098539,000 
1871120,980 ,000 16 00 32 2000 33, 200 
1872 20, 0600 6,000 16 11317 5OO 32 32203120,800 
187320,31410 ,500 171300050,000 21,0724800 342000 ,000 
18740%,000 68,500 17128341, 500 SOOU] 6,800 342500513,200 
18752 0%0 00 8 2003 ,000 
187025,300 5,500 191240 23,000 20,240 7,000 38 12492 498, 400 
18772,,920 %0,00% 20 220 0o00 1%60%00 10 21452 490 400 
187824, 52000 211205002,500 19, 6106s,400 12241012,000 
187921,100 11,000 2211838#91,500 10, 280 8,800 4123060 473,200 
188023,000 1,500 23 1100 00O 1 9,200 402320 400 
188123.200 000 241130508,000 18,560 9,000 482272| 454, 400 
18821 22,720 00% 2 1111 555, 500 18,1761 10,0001 50 2222 444400 
188320 O0o0 20 1050 15770 10,400% 52 2170¼34,000 
188 0o 13,500 2 00 0%000 % 2,00 
18852 100 00 28 10.306513,000 16, 92811,o00 50200012,000 
1886 20,600 14,00 29100100 1, 48011,000 5820024 
1887020 00 30% 0 165,016 12,000 60 11942 388,400 
158819,1200 31107 000 15,530 12,400 6280, OOO 
500 1120 

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