Full text: Gesetzsammlung für das Fürstenthum Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. Dritter Jahrgang. 1842. (3)

12 1 8 42. 
I. L.. br bo 
Lättic ocolla cogne. 4D ehnm Lapides Cuncror. 1I uUze 
Indigeo Unze0# # raep.. —| 12 
subt. pu l. —1510 l«api9cnlsmin.pknep. — 114 
Insus Sonnno Ccomp. — lIncmatit prach. —2— 
Jodum .. . l Sectupel 3 cis prach. —10 
Lichen Carragheen conc. — 114 
K. Bland conc. ——8 
Kali accticum tbrochm, 1 gr.mod.pollI0 
carbon. aeical — 44 subt. pulr — 
eru . I1UVnze ic Lign. Campechian. rasp.. — 9 
o noerll —. zunjac. rasb. —— 
o Tarlaro 1Dechmn 12 subl. pulr 12 
caustic. un. —18 Junipericonc. — 
sicc —11 Ouassiaoconc. —1·— 
bydriodle: — 58 gr. v–mo. ost. —.1 
——“- dep. — 12 subt. pulr. —0 
nĩtric. crud. gr. mod. 9 LUnze 1 4 raspal. —|12 
depurat —2 Sanialin. rubr. conc. — 0 
— puly. — 1 
sulphural. 1Drachm 10 Sassalras conc. — 1— 
pro baln. o Bulph. Liniment. Acrugiois —2# 
Pulv. o Kalicarbo monite-canpp. — 128 
nic. crude parau.1Unze moniat. —26 
sulphuric. acid. —32 erv4 —0 
crud. gr. mod. yol— camphora. —8 
depur. —12 Liunor Ammon. acci. —5— 
aubi. bib—. — 12 Ihmist — 10 
tartaricum —552½ aninat. — 12 
— 110 carbonic. — 
aubt. pale. . —06 II)«ko-olcos. 2-— 
·l(kcosousm. Gustav-U caustiei —2— 
succinic Drach 1 
L. vinonns Unze 
Lao vaccinum IE Ferrimuriat. - LXLE 
Lacca in granls. — A1 ilr oxxdulat —6 
subt. aar- —2 —i lIuUnze - 
Laciucar. Auie 1Scrupos 3 ———. 
Gallic. — 11 Hpdrorg murlat,cor. —— a 

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