Full text: Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt für das Königreich Sachsen vom Jahre 1878. (44)

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THijskizIahrltcheHExplzommkn..· Steuer VIII Iahrltcheg Einkommen. » * * 
#" SÖND... "dn *-• 
klasse « —- ⁊ « satz. klasse, 
..— — « Mark. Pf. E Mark. Pf. 
117 über 420000 bis zu 25000 Nor 126000 — L5 über v10000 5 zu 715000 MarC)300 — 
1188 425000 = 430000 1 %OOO 720000 21450% 
119 430000 = 435000 812900 —77720000 -. 72500021600 — 
120 435000 -= 4400000 — -730000 21750 
121 440000 = 44500f0·200 — 1 500 .21900— 
12444 00]H30 40000 22050 
123 450000 = 45500000 „ 745000 22200— 
124% 455000 = 460000 7500000 
125 460000 = 46500000 — „ 7550000 
126 4465000 = = 4700000 , 5 „ ½60000.2250 — 
12740000 475000 44100½ TYW0000 7600000 
124 4475000 = 48000007700002290 
129 480000 -. 4850000%% 775000 2300 # 
130 485000 = 49000008 „ 780000%250 
13114490000 . 495000 400000 — 
13 495000 = 500000850 —M—90 . 785000 „ 790000 0 
133 500000 = 5050005000 0020% 
1344 = 510000 - 115150 O = 800000250 
135 510000 = 515000 1300 — HH38S00000 = 8050004000 
136 515000 = 520000.1540 = 810000 24150 
1383 525000 = 5300005700 MB5O000 = 820000. 24450 
139999 530000 = 535000ô 825000.24600% 
14%35000 = 540000 = 160500% 8225000 = 83000024750— 
1444% 540000% S·000 .. . S35000% 
14 550000 = ··l00.. 200 83500 840000500o% 
14 550000 = 5550006500 L „ 84500025200% 
144 555000 . 560000%00% OO= . 850000235 
14% 0 = 565000 6800 D50000 = 855000 25500 — 
146% 565000 = 570000 = 160 860000.2560% 
1417 570000 = 5750007100 — SNS3OO000 = . 865000.00 
144 575000 = 580000 250 870000250 
14 580000 = 5850004400 4 = 8750000 
1050 585000 = 590000 1755O 88000026250 
154590000 595000700 —9)S= 88500000 — 
155 595000 = = 600000s7850 ++280 89000026 60 
153600000 = 60500000% S9500000% 
154 605000 = 61000018150 00 = 900000.0 
1505 610000 = 61500018300 = 905000 27000 
156 615000 = 620000. ½ = 910000 — 
157 620000 = 6250008600 %OO 9150002700 
153 625000 = 6300006 = 92000000 
15999 630000 = 63500018900 92500027600— 
1600 = 64000050 930000% — 
16J1L = 645000 9200 = 9350007900 
1602 645000 = 650000 0 935000 = 940000800 
168 650000 = 655000 19500—% „ 945000.8200 — 
16044 „ 660000 0960 2 2 90 9500002830 
16606 660000 = 665000 9800HH = 955000500 — 
166 665000 = 670000 99600 S%% = 960000% — 
167 6270000 675000 20100 .b 960000 965000 00 
168 ¼ 675000 = 6800002025000 „ 97000028950 
170 685000 = 690000.?050 50O00 98000020 
171 * 690000 6900000 9850 29400 — 
172725000 = 7000000 *. 985000 = -9900000 
17r73 700000 = 705000 21000 + 5 „ 995000. 29700 
1746 710000 21155— ½2 99000 = 100000020% 

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