Full text: Deutsches Kolonialblatt. XXII. Jahrgang, 1911. (22)

W 194 20 
Berichte über Lund- und Forstwirtschaft in Deutsch- 
Der deutsche Kulturpionier. 
Mitteilungen betr. die Bunmwollkultur in Deutsch- 
Der Pflanzer. Ratgeber für tropische Landwirtschaft. 
H’##g. vom Biologisch-Landwirtschaftlichen Institur 
Amani (Deutsch-Ostafrika). Fom 7. Jun. 1911 ab 
zuit dezn Tirel: Der Pflanzer. Zeitschrift für Land- 
und Porstwirtschaft in Deutsch-Ostafrika, hisg. vom 
Kaiserlichen Gouvrernement von Deutsch-Ost-Afrika. 
Der ostafrikunische Pflanzer. 
Der Tropenpflanzer. Zeitschrift für tropische Land- 
Der Tropenwirt. Landwirtschaftlicher Kalender für 
ie Tropen. Häülfstaschenbuch für den täglichen 
Verhandlungen der Baumwoll-Kommission des Kolonial- 
Wirtschaftlichen Komitees. 
b. Fremde Kolonien. 
Ministere des colonies. LAgriculture pratiquc des pays 
New South Wales. Agrieulture. 
The Tropical Agrieulturist and Magazin of the Cevlon 
Agricũltural Society. 
L'Agronomie Tropicale. Orgene mensuel de la Société 
VEtudes d’Agriculture Tropicale. 
Repüblica Argentinn. Dircecion genernl de defensa 
agricoln. Boletin. 
SBollettino ugricolo commerciale della Coloniale Eritrea. 
Agricultural Bulletin of thbe Straits and Federa 
Malay States. 
Bulletin du Departement de I’Agriculture aux Iindes 
Depariement of Agriculture, Madraus. Bulletin. 
Departement of the Intcrior. Philippine Bureau of 
Agriculture. Farmers Bulletin. 
Department van den Landbouw Suriname. Bulletin. 
Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of 
the Louisiana State Universitr and A. u. M. College. 
Oepartment of the Interior. Burean of Agrienlturc. 
Ffarmers Bulletin. Manila. 
Tmasvan! Department of 
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 
lanecus information. 
Inspectie van den Landbouw in West Indiè. Bulletin. 
New Zcalund Department of Agriculture. Divisions 
of Biclogie and Horticulture. Bulletins. 
Bulletin de la Section d'’Agriculture Coloniale. 
ductions ct Cultures Coloniales. 
U. S. Department of Agriculture. Farmers Bulletin. 
Texns Agricultural Experiment Stations. Buletins. 
U. S. Department of Agriculture. Burcau of Plant 
Industry. Bulletin. 
U. S. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment 
Stations. Bulletin. · 
U. S. Department of Agrieulture. Section of Foreign 
Markets. Bullotin. 
The Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. The 
Annual Catalogue. 
Ciroulars and Agricultural Journal of the Royal 
Botanic Gardens, Ceylon. 
U. S. Pepurtment of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant 
Industry. Cireular. 
Corvespondence reiating to the Preservation of wild 
Agriculture. Ffarmers 
Bulletin of miscel- 
ahimals in a % 
Stporiment Statlon of the Agriculturn! College of 
Department vun Landbouw Buitenzorg. Jaarboek 
The Agricultural Journal# of the Cape of Good Hope. 
The Agricultural Journal of India. Agricultural Rcse- 
arch Institute, Pusa. 
The Agricultural Ledger. 
Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in Indin. 
The Natel Agriculkturel Journal and mining record. 
The Philippine Agricuttural Review. 
Ministere de L,Intérieur. Rapport général de In Com- 
mission du coton. 
Report on the Cawupore Agricultural Station in the 
n rovinces. 
Annunl Report of the Committee of Control of the 
South African Centml Locust Bureau. 
Britich East Africa. Department of Agriculture. 
nual Report. 
Queensland. Annual Report of the Department of 
Agriculture and Stock. 
(Calcutta). Report ot the imperinl Depurtment ot 
Report on the Department of Lunds, New Zealand. 
Qucensland. Annual Report of the Department of- 
Publiec Lands. 
Tinnsvaal Department of Agriculture. Report of the 
Quoensland. Report of the Government Statistician on 
agriculturnl and pastoral statisties. 
Report of the New Nealand Depurtment of Agriculturc. 
Report of the Northern Nigerin Lunds Committee and 
despatches relating thercto. 
Scientisic Report of the Panlur Agricultural Station. 
Report on the Partabgarh Agrienlturnl Station of the 
ni vinces of Agra and Oudh. 
Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Annual Report 
of Proccedings under the Small Holdings und 
Allotments Aet, 1908 etc. 
Report of the Agricultural Rescurch lustitute and 
Collcge, Pusn (inelnd. of the Imperial Cotton 
JNew Zenland. Department of Lands,. Report on 
Scenery Preservation. 
Jew Zenlund. Department of Lands. 
State Nurscries and Plantations. 
Annual Report of the Agricultural Stations in Enstern 
Bengal und Assam. 
Report on Ten Culture in Eastern Bengal and Assam. 
Report of the Trunsvanl Depurtment of Agriculture. 
Report of the Transvanl Indigency Commission. 
Revlew of Foresl Administration in British India. 
Tiunnsvaal Departement of Agriculture. Farwers 
Bulletin. Transvaal Co - operatve Congress. Repon 
of Proccedings. 
Report on 
3. Koloniale Wasserwirtschaft. 
Land and Irrigation Department Transvaal. Admi- 
ulstration Report of the Chief Engineer of Trrigation. 
ducensland. Annunl Report of the Department of 
PTublic Works. 
Western Australin. Report of the Department of 
Public Works. 
Vietorin. State Rivers and Water Suppl Commission. 
Annual Report. 
14. Kolonialer Bergbau. 
Le Joaillier. Revnc intemationale hebdomaduire du 
commerce des pierres précieuscs, bijouterie, orfovrerie. 
Beport of the Commissioner of Corporations on the 
Petroleum Iudustry. 
De Beers Consolidated Mines, R1. Aunual Report. 
Report of the behortmem of Mines on the Goldficlds 
of New Zealand.

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