Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1839. (16)

er gleich ung. 
Erlös aus 
In Abgang 
Verwendet auf 
erschuß. Defiözit.? seiln (Ge- eder nachge- Erbanung — —— Mlesung pen 
* * lasen von neuer Geb aude Gütern 2c. und anderen 
1855—38 1835—538.38S½ von Lasten von 
1338. 1335. 1838. « ss «830-38-483»-38s 
57.650 77,565 59,883 6.288 1,075 6.504 1,5306 9 
56.767 14,614 18,571 6,850 555 14,200 15,268 201 
15,558 70, 562 59.748 5.899 1,767 15.778 5.509 1.905 
63, 516 41,610 24,851 18,648 620 7,635 9,511 5.266 
160, 752 5,856 2,194 8.772 2,167 11,278 5,507 50 
152,605 1,151 — 8,327 898 26,514 14,057 1.759 
7,041 72,107 8.456 650 215 — — — 
70,604 117,562 126,59/ 5,079 4.02 25, 355 4, 455 5,490 
20, 891 129,977 88,958 57 420 6,871 2,507 49 
19,167 87,555 61,086 2,569 535 1,269 750 — 
1,021 127,848 100%74 7,547 632 5.287 — — 
17,525 58.125 42,051 763 651 6,613 907 — 
218,073 27,555 18,533 100,907 8,968 18,927 13,512 5,668. 
4,054 95, 898 58.197 2,015 606 3,700 — 598 
24,856 27.765 6,952 2,244 621 791 1,530 — 
33,295 15, 859 12,771 5,55 „266 5,908 5,514 39 
2,726 6,900 2,520 24 — — — — 
13,688 91,678 71,857 10,915 73 2.156 675 151 
6.567 65,677 56.217 2,255 761 500 469 – 
1,694 19,.5/8 12,981 1.506 425 1,150 1,622 12 
12,895 52,655 45.797 925 450 — — 21 
1,249 — 15,./01 — 41 — — — 
6.480 — 10,122 — — — — 
5,005 — 515 — 270 185 457 — 
678 — 2,041 — — — — 
975,887 1, 205, 571 890,628 193,167 27,257 157,221 55,977 15.196 

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