Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1856. (33)

# - . n — 
II. Schwarzwaldkreis. 
Balingen 30,978 — 7,266 6,311 44,555 
Calm. 22,634 89 8,0061 36, 885 
Freudenstadt 25,799 —I 6,645 5,207 37,651 
Herrenberg 39,349 — 7,778 3,054 50,181 
Horb 28,167 0o0 7,807744 39,375 
Nagold 24,582 58 7,996 5, 384 38,020 
Neuenbürg 16,324 321 65,262 3006 25,813 
Nürtingen. 31,041 — ½ 412 4,796 
Oberndorf. 23,835 4 5,874 3,646 33,359 
Reutlingen 34,824 458 12,637 13,443 61,362 
Rottenburg 39,575 15 9,901 4,871 54,362 
Rottweil 37,992 — 7,578 5,142 50,712 
Spaichingen 22,004 53.,40415 28,318 
Sulz 27,291 99 463114 34,725 
Tuttlingen. 29,242 15 5,294 4,737 39,288 
Täbingen. 31,958 431 7442 51,410 
Urach 30,402 — 6,670 6,677 43,740 
— — 
—44 1,107 126,104 88,353 712,561 

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