Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1856. (33)

— — 
III. Jartkreis. " ";. n n " 
Aalen. 22,727 1 6,118 4,732 33, 578 
Crailsheim 28,029 %% 7 38,349 
Ellwangen 39.922 190 6,844 6,131 52,916 
Gaildorf. 29,883 — 4,04642 37,071 
Gerabronn 61,568 — 6,8710 2 73,680 
Omünd 27,304 1.,2006 8.;,130 41,150 
dal 50,0860 6,261 1,664 6,335 69,269 
beidenheim 38,427 — 942S321 56,160 
bnzelsau# 44 — 58/8805292 57,165 
Nergentheim. 52,308 — ½21444 65,133 
Neresbeim 35,104 21 s,1311 4,116 4,372 
dehringen 61,822 — 8,501 6426 ⁊6,800 
Shorwdorf W25,929 — 6759 3 36,241 
- 24,188 2114252228 31,179 
542,004¼ 5,629 90,2123333 712,078 

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