618 Anhaus zu den Vereinigten Staaten. (Okt. 4.)
disposed to effect peace upon the terms and principles indicated, their
military advisers and the military advisers of the United States be asked
to submit to the Governments associated against Germany the necessar)
terms of such an armistice as would fully protect the interests of the
peoples involved and ensure to the Associated Governments the unre-
stricted power to safeguard and enforce the details of the peace to which
the German Government had agreed. provided they deemed such an
armistice possible from the military point ok view.
The President is now in receipt of a Memorandum of observations by
the Allied Governments on this correspondence which is a follows:
P[he Allied Governments have given Ccareful consideration to the corre-
spondence which has passed between the President of the United States
and the German Government. Subject to the qualifications which follow,
they declare their willingness to make peace with the Government
of Germany on the terms of peace laid down in the President's address
to Congress of Jan. 8, 1918 and the principles of settlement enunciated
in his subsequent addresses. They must point out, however, that clause
2 relating to what is usually described as the freedom of the seas
is open to various interpretations, some of which they could not accept.
They must therefore reserve themselves complete freedom on this sub-
ject when they enter the peace conference. Further, in the conditions
of peace laid down in hbis address to Congress of Jan. S. 1918 the Pre-
sident declared that the invaded territories must be restored as well as
evacuated and freed. The Allied Governments feel that no doubt ought
to be allowed to exist as to what this provision implies. By it they
understand that compensation will be made by Germany for all damage
done to the civilian population of the Allies and their property by the
aggression of Germany bF land, by sea, and from the air.“
1 am instructed byr the President to say that he is in agreement
with the interpretation set forth in the last paragraph of the Memorandum
above qduoted. 1 am further instructed by the President to request you
to notify the German Government that Marshal Foch has been authorized
byF the Government of the United States and the Allied Governments to
receive properly accredited representatives of the German Government.
and to communicate to them terms of an armistice. Accept, Sir, the
renewed assurance of my higbest consideration. Robert Lansing.
(S. dazu Tl. 1 S. 417.)
Weitere deutsche Noten an die Ver. St. s. Tl. 1 S. 460 f., 469, 485,
497. — Die Antwortnoten der Ver. St. s. S. 600 f., 601, 607.
2. Notenwechsel zwischen SÖsterreich-Ungarn und den Vereinigten
Staaten betr. Friedensverhandlungen und Waffenstillstand.
4. Okt. Friedens= u. Waffenstillstandsangebot Osterreich-Ungarns.
Amtlich wird am 5. in Wien verlautbart: Oesterreich-Ungarn, Deutsch-
land und die Türkei haben beschlossen, zwecks Abschlusses eines allgemeinen
Waffenstillstandes und Einleitung von Friedensverhandlungen im Wege der
mit ihrer Interessenvertretung in den Ver. St. von Amerika betrauten Re-
gierungen gleichzeitig an den Präsidenten der Ver. St. heranzutreten. In
Ausführung dieses Entschlusses wurde der österr.-ung. Gesandte in Stockholm
gestern vom Minister des Aeußern telegraphisch beauftragt, die kgl. schwed.
Regierung zu ersuchen, am 4. d. M. folgende Depesche an den Herrn Prä-
sidenten Wilson gelangen zu lassen: Die österr.-ung. Monarchie, welche den