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16. 1. Sankt-Georgen-Ordben: ibe Cross of St. George, never
Eiven but for distinguished personal bravery, and very rarely
to a foreigner.
, 5. daß er doch wohl .fthat possibly after all be had.
„ 7. nun verstehe ich erst, now I1 begin to understand.X Ct.
note, p. 13 I1. 19.
„, II. die Höhen des Montmartre: the French generals
Mortier and Marmont commanded, and the resclutc stand
they made was worthy of the men whom Napolecn delighted
to honour; the battle raged from sunrisc to sunset against
dverwhelming odds, till Alarmont was obliged to demand an
armistice (Waffenstillstand).
, 12. Aussichtspunkte: the bill of Belleville.
P, 14. der Einzug, entry' march in'; ck. with der Eingang des
Zimmers, der Eintritt kostet 2 Mark.
16. gie Vetter Friedrich, i.e. Friedrich Karl. der rote
, 18. den Kaiser von Ssterreich: Francis II. (died 1835) was
father of the Empress Alaria Louisa, second wise of
Napoleon. In 1806 he resigned his title of Kaiser von
Deutschland,“ which remained in abeyance till 187F#xT, when
Wilhelm I. was proclaimed“ Deutscher Kaiser“ at Versailles.
„ 20. They put up at the Hôtel Villeroi in ihe rue Bourbon, and
ihe princes were shown Paris by Nixander v. Humboldt.
During this time Prinz Wilhelm probably made his flrst
acquaintance with Louis Napolcon (alterwards Napolcon
III.), son of Hortense de Beauharnais and Louis IV., who
had been King of Holland.
„25. wurde .ernannt: see note, p. 81. 3.
„28. der seiner .. Siegeswagen: see note, p. 21l. 21. Thnis
Siegeswagen in bronze of Victoria in a chariot had been carried
off by Napoleon, and is now to be seen on the top of the Bran-
denburgerthor, the fine gateway to the Unter den Linden.
„3I. Konfirmationsnunterricht: it is a traditional rule of the
Hohenzollern family that every member should draw up a
personal and original profession of faith (Glanbensbekenntnis)
on being rconfhrmed. Every line breathes the Christian and
the gentleman. (A. Forbes.)
17. 6. Charlotten burg: on the Spree, W. of Berlin. Its name is
derircd from the rovyal castle built there im 1696 for the
Kurfürstin Sophie Charlotte, and it is noted for ihe magnif-