Full text: Gesetz- und Verordnungs-Blatt für das Königreich Bayern. 1911. (38)

Nr. 34. 707 
Anlage 2. 
(Zu §7 Abs. L.) 
für die Berechnung der Ertragsanlage nach Art. 6 Abs. I d. GewStes. 
Reinertrag Reinertrag 
Stufe 15 “ r- Stufe —. I ien 
1 von mehr als . bis einschl. anlage von mehr als bis einschl. anlage 
4 M 4 A 
1 1,500 2,000 1,00%37 19,500 20,000 136,50 
2 2,000 2,500 260 38 20,000 20,500 140 
3 2,500 3,000 4 39 20,500 21,000 143,50 
4 3,000 — 6 40 21,000 21,500 147 
5 3,500 4,000 9 41 21,500 22,000 150,50 
6 4,000 4,500 12 1 4 22,000 22,500 164 
7 4500 5000 15 43 22,500 23000 157 
8 50000 5,500 18 4 23,000 23,500 161 
9 5,.500 6,000 22 45 23,500 24,000 164,50 
10 6,000 6,500 26 46 24,000 24,500 168 
11 6,500 7,000 30 47 24,500 25,000 171,50 
12 7,000 7,500 34 48 25,000 25,500 175 
13 7.5000 8,000 38 409 25,500 26,000 178,50 
14 8000 8,500 42 50 26,000 26,500 182 
15 8,500 9,000 46 51 26,500 27,000 185,50 
16 9,000 9,500 50 52 27,000 27,500 189 
17 9.500 100000 544% 27,500 28,000 192,50 
18 10,000 105500 58 54 28,000 28,500 196 
198 10,000 11000 63 55 28,500 29,000 199,50 
20 11,000 115500 68 56 29,000 29,500 203 
21 11,500 120000 7)3 57 29,500 30000 20650 
22 12,000 12,500 78 568 30,000 31,000 210 
23 12,,400 13,000 88 59 31,000 32,000 217 
24 13,000 135500 884% 32,000 33,000 224 
25 13,500 14,000 93 631 33.000 34,000 231 
26 14,000 14,500 98 62 34,000 35,000 238 
27 14,500 15,000 101,50 63 35,000 36,000 245 
28 15,000 15,500 106 64 36,000 37,000 252 
29 15,500 106.000 108,05 37,000 38,000 259 
30 16,000 16,500 1121 66 38,000 39,000 266 
31 16,500 17,000 115,00 39,000 40,000 273 
32% 217,000 17,500 119 68 40,000 41,000 280 
33 17,500 18,000 122,0 41,000 4,000 287 
34 18,000 18,500 126 4,000 43,000 294 
35 18,500 19,000 129,0 43,000 44,000 301 
36 19,000 19,500 13372 44,000 45,000 308 
,. l 

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