fullscreen: Gesetz- und Verordnungs-Blatt für das Königreich Bayern. 1880. (7)

Passiv-eStand der Gemeinden. 
Verzinsliche Räckstände Andere · 
Passiv-Capitalien. zur Amtspflege. Passio-Rückstände. Summe der Passioen. Activ-Ut 
1832. 1835. 1832. 1835. 1832. 1835. 1832. 1835 1832. 
54, 466 56,602 — 4, 367 813 58,833 57.115 5,.836 
11,925 8.625 — — — 1,570 11,925 10,195 9,008 
57.125 58,712 57,580 16,650 15,499 40, 396 108,202 95,758 20, 524 
2,910 4,#400 2,082 957 1.185 678 6,.175 6,015 27,.178 
15.766 14,189 12,711 5,.299 2,991 1,403 29./68 20,891 5,689 
13,931 22,205 1,715 482 7.841 3,724 23,/187 26.711 56,427 
54,.725 10,100 5,969 5,466 6,696 7,317 47, 388 20.833 15,751 
209,555217,655 275. 54 14,383 1,260 2,006 251,159 237,025 49,869 
139,881 152,865 12,467 5.524 7,676 7.306 160,.024 145,/195 15,010 
26,980 75,482 — 5.725 4,7 50.705 77.929 55.795 
34,525 33,050 1.129 — 5,388 3,133 40,842 56.163 9,600 
95,511 109,589 10,700 4,070 3,263 3,942 107,274 117,601 26,061 
24, 535 10,500 — — 2,973 1,658 27,626 11,758 127,060 
7.500 4,500 — — 774 2,567 8,074 6,867 52,685 
500 — « — 500 25/ 
—.— — — 1,2666 1,275. 17, 181 6,745 g6o 
62,050 2,865 205 205 2,126 52 6 1.561 3,101 a,524 
2,000 600 — — 204 41 2,20% 641 1.14 
19,456 12,727 51 — 2,315 5,454 22,522 16,181 4.575 
21,800 — 805 22,605 2.162 
5 997 30,.40 — — 597 30 71.594 50.170 302 
857,457 767,.157 127,955 50,814 69,417 85,5692 1,054, 827 905,345 46/,190 

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