Full text: Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt für das Königreich Sachsen vom Jahre 1913. (79)

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805003850282250"4112,5084000420085 750l 4287,5087500 4375 89250 4462,50 
80 550 3875 82 300 41158 4202, 50%5 800 4200 87 550 4377,689 300 4465 
80 600 3900 #42 350 4117,5084 100 4205 85 850 4292,5087 600 4380 89 350 4467,50 
90 650 3925 82 400 4120 8 150 4207,5085 900 4295 87 650 4382,50|89 400 4470 
80 700 3950 450 4122,56|8 200 4210 85 950 4297,507 700 4385.89 450 4472,50 
80 750 3975 500 4125 84250 4212,5% 000 43800 S7750 4387,5089 500 4475 
80 8600 4000 82 550 4127,50 84 300 42156686 050 4302.5087 800 4300 89 550 4477,50 
80 8350 4025 8 600 41308 350 4217,5½ 4305% 50 4392,5089 600 4480 
80 900 4045 82 650 4132,084 400 4220 86 150 4307 50087 900 4395 89 650 4482,50 
80 950 4047,5082 700 4135 84 450 4222,506 200 43100 87 950 4397,509 700 4485 
81 900 4050 82 750 4137,50 84 500 4225 86 250 6 4312,50 88 000 4400 89 750 4487,50 
81 050 4052,50/82 8300 4140%34 0 422,5% 3o0 4315 8050 4402,,|39 800 4400 
81 100 4055“ 82 850 4142,50/284 600 4230 96 350 4317 5088 100 4405689 850 4492,00 
81 150 4057,5082 900 414558 650 4232,066 100 432088 150 4407,5039 900 4495 
81200 40600 82 950 414,0084700 4235 86 450 4322,50|/88 200 4410 89950 4405 
81 250 4062,50/83 000 4150 ¾z. 5 4%% 36 500 4325 88250 4412,/90 000 4500 
81 300 40658050 415250 86 550 4327,5088 300 44155% 050 4502 50 
81 350 4067,53063 100 41556. 8S4850 45%% 6o0 433088350 4417,50 100 4505 
. « 81 900 4245 . 
81400sp4070831501415750 866504332,5088400442090150450750 
907 415250 ga 950 4247, 50 
81 150 1072,00% 200 4100 *5%86700 4335 88 450 4422, 50 90 200 4510 
81 500 4075 83 250 D 4162, 50 85 000 4250 86 750 4337,50 88 500 4425 90 250 4512,50 
81 550 407,00/83 300 416685050 4252,50|86 800 4310 88 550 44250 300 4515 
81 600 40800 83 350 4167,5085 100 4255 86 850 4342,50.088 600 4430 350 4517,50 
81 650 1083/50|/ 100 10 “150 42250½% % 4% " 50 4¼3200% 00 4%% 
81 700 4085 83 450 41720% 200 4200 86 950 434%5088700 4435 90 450 4522,50 
81 750 4087,50|/,83 500 417585 250 4262,50/87 000 43550.88750 4437,509 500 4525 
#1 300 1000 83 550 4177,6085 300 4265 y050 4352,50| 88 800 444 90 550 452750 
81 350 4093,00/83 600 4180 885 350 4267,3087 100 4355 88 850 4442,5090 600 1530 
81 900 40955 83 650 4182,600885 400 4270 87 150 4357,50/88 900 4445 90 650 4533,50 
81950 409% 0% 700 4185.85 450 4272,5087200 43600 88 950 4445 700 4535 
82 000 4100 83 750 4187,50#85 500 4275|87250 4362,50/89 000 445090 750 4537,50 
82 0560 4102,50/83 800 4100|85 550 4277,50|87 300 43656 89 050 4452,500 800 4540 
82 100 4105 83 850 4199,50%85 600 428087 350 4367,50889 100 4455 90 850 4542,50 
82 150 410,5083 900 4195985 650 4282,50|87 400 4370 89 150 4457,500 900 43545 
82 200 4110 83 950 4197,50| 85 700 4285 7 450 4372,5089 200 4460 90 950 45450 
2) Berechnung nach § 32 Abs. 3 des Ges. 

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