Full text: Studien zum Deutschen Staatsrechte. Erster Band. Die vertragsmäßigen Elemente der Deutschen Reichsverfassung. (1)

278 Anhang. 
Sect. 6.1. -T. 1.14, 
2.-U. 2. But Congress may, by law, granttothe 
principalofficerineach ofthe Executive Departments 
aseatuponthefloorofeither House, with the privilege 
ofdiscussing any measure appertaining to his depart- 
Seot.7.1.= U. 1. 
2.= U, 2. The President may approve any appropriation and 
disapprove any other appropriation in the same bill. In such case he 
shall, in signing the bill, designate the appropriations Jdisapproved; and 
sball return a copy of such appropriations, with his objections, to the 
‚House in which the bill shall have originated ; and thesame proceedings 
shall then be had as in case of other bill disapproved by the President. 
3. -U.3. 
Sect. 8. The Congress shall bave power 1. To lay and eollect 
taxes, duties, imposts and excises, forrevenue necessary to pay 
the debts, provide for the common defencel® and carry on the 
Government of the Confederate States; but no boun- 
tiesshall be granted from thetreasury; nor shallany 
duties or taxes on importations from foreign nations 
belaidtopromoteorfosteranybranchofindustry; and 
all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the Con- 
federate States. 
2.-U. 2. 
3. To regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the 
several States and with the Indian trıbes; but neither this, nor 
anyotherclausecontainedinthe Constitution shallbe 
construedto delegatethepowerto Congress to appro- 
facilitatecommerce; except forthe purpose of furnish- 
inglights, beacons and buoysand other aids to navi- 
gationuponthecoastsandtheimprovement of harbors 
and the removingofobstructions in rivernavigation, 
inallwhich cases, such duties, shallbelaidon the navi- 
gation facilitated thereby, as may be necessary to 
4.= U. 4; but no law of Congress shall discharge any debt con- 
tracted before the passage of the same. 
7. = U. 7; but the expenses of the Post-office Department, after 
14 Nur das Wort „Felony“ ist im zweiten Satz ausgelassen. 
15 U. add. : and general Welfare of the United States.

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