Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1836. (13)

Kreis « 
Passio-Staud der Gemeinden. V 
Verzinsliche Ruͤckstaͤnde Audere « « 
Passiv-Capitalien. zur Amtspfl.ge. Passiv-Rückstände. Summe der Possioen. Activ-u 
1832. 1835. 1832. 1835. 1832 1835. 1332 1835 1832 
34,425 25,686 — — 1,337 110 35,762 23,796 29,135 
207,022 82,426 6,039 — 1,215 813214,276 85,239 97,666 
24,857 16,920 5%25 501 2,980 2,766 51,240 18,987 117, 985 
156, 108 80,051 1,555 — 5,727 5.756 163,170 85,807 61,523 
151,344 124, 116 — — 1,226 10,905 0 45258 
140,378 102,734 1,713 — 2,352 5.789 14%, 444o0¼06, 523 # 
103, 018 71,954 — — 5,198 % 70 10, 516 81,424 83,246 
7,103 36,808 — — 3, 134 7,508 10,257 4% 116 
68,830 53,886 18,579 2,095 5,8#7 1,711 91,256 37,690 187, 053 
256,689 115,553 135 560 8,589 6,33145,21312 96,141 
56,9#2 17,707 4,65 756 3,929 2,062 45.525 20,505 122, 356 
529,985225,501 6,259 4,590 5,722 5.127966 231,018 45, 0 
74,290 55,610 — — 10,665 10,392 84,955 66,002 51,915 
70,657 21,.825 — 930 14,203 2,#21 84, 3½0 25, 176 78,866 
90,809 74,701 1,661 — 1,997 32,162 94, 167 106, 863 139, 945 
50,835 14,857 2,402 — 1,608 1,774 31,845 16,611 90,986 
28,594 19,254 2070) 49,918 175,717 
48,725 9, 453 4,641 # 62,819 
49 12,070 · 421s 12,-3-.0» 1,338 
1,791,892 14% 840 77,524 18,463 74,5320|106,0 56 1,94¼5, 756 0½02639 1,615,679 

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