Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1836. (13)

Schw grzwa ld. 
Activl Stand der 
1832. 1835. 1832 1835. 1832. 1835 1832. 1835 1832. 13835. 
18.663 26,117 126, 512 89,575 2,49“ 1,9834 18,817 60,287 166, 187 177, 965 
66.357 105,0//0 7,097 2, 398 271 599 57,698 55,759 108,003 10,076 
296 535.119 775 – 260 565%155 , 0S55, 5906 70,256 
81,30“ ——tt.tr 7.733 5,182 201 31 59,199 19,858 151,157% 
15,107 „30,23320,155 7,956 199 559 19,708 40,049 N85, 509 102,777 
5),015 537,850 195 1,024 1,49019,2055 55, 662 68,168 85, 195 
66,718 78,072 3,266 1,737 1,065 1,102 8,070 98,298 79,118 90,179 
131,357 150, 217 4 18 70 24105,773 91,948 237,244 2412,207 
58,323 50,5053512 5,799 %% 1,0ä8 8, 55 %195 
53,594 87,600 16,275 1, 810 254 2662335% % 134, 198 
49,573 59,391 5496 1½0 510 289 5%,0607,236 105,446 1153, 46 
83,900, 158,616 21,768 6,921 1, 5005 15,610 206 88, 1719 25S8, 95 
117,158 119,152 5.132 5,822 68 33 43,/72 Al,96 164,110 1 953 
62,820 62,070 5 5,611 75 — 16,276 28,41083,572 G, 091 
124,310 1 120,937 19,515 15,/102 597 225 51,859 69,800 196,259 2054,564 
80,000 80,555 9,975 1,89½ 111 58 60,7593 657 915 141 
71.122 75./81 55,087 36,690 913 542) 5s0,203 798,055 177, 330 191,768 
I e v S 6SMO, 2 s 2G!!! 18,587 1 52 — 

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