Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1839. (16)

Passiv--Stand der Gemeinden. Vergl 
— — — — 
Verzinsliche Rückstände Andere . 
assiv-Capitalien. zur Amtspflege. Passiv-Rückstände. Summe der Passiren. Activ-Ueberschuß. 
si-e . 
USE-s 1838. 1835. 1838. 1835. 1833. 1835. 1838. 1835. 1838. 
2686 198s9 — — 110 1,176 25,706 025 2,531 27,844 
8 6 50,370 — — 315 863 35,259 61,25534%%1 
16920 12,795 501 — 2766 5,021 19.98 100816% 
pP0%%J 75,883 — — 5.756 1,061 85,307 76,9/#% 61,655 92,97½ 
’ 156,855 — — 10,905 1,2811155,010 59, 857 57,024 
nbr- — — 5,789 — 106,523 114,817 56,591 26,932 
45% S,s33 — — 9-70 5, 119 31,2 äy 78, 388 
5808 65,654 — ½50s,22 ,116026% 18, 224 
innss 29,970 2,093 — 1,711 1,289 5 600% l, 250 % 444 
*553 52,187 360 — 6,831 4, 518 122,7446 36,502 96,419 1536,729 
on 14,855 756 2,062 540 20, 505 15,595339,596 14677 
*#501 18,863 4,590 1,740 3,127 6,5790231,018% 88, 571 
s 45,500 — 10,5902 110281 66,002545851700 24,718 
bnosm½m¾ 32866 950 — 2,/21 6,00725,1763 , 200%% 
un 555)5 — — 52,162 746 106, 863 56,0911675 797 
l.- — 157 %¼ 16,611 8,085 82, ooh 102,525 
5% o9ös 1,958 4,641 4,563% 556,2585% 
Lrntn –— 
Het72,506 18465 3698 106,056 5,1119 1,029, 555G5 1,841, 508 

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