Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1839. (16)

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Grundstocks- verrechnet « 
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1835—56.45,- sss—ss. 4. Lsten von 
1835. 1858. 
7,568 12,287 460 1,263 255 7,5355 57 
72,981 4, 210 15.287 1.482 1,975 5,936 136 
4.599 2,742 5.452 7,258 6.205 8.219 5,980 
59.567 59.570 24,101 2,655 28,686 25,051 4 
102,865 113,156 5,255 1,000 13,015 5,914 554 
45, 137 71,180 11,596 2,610 85,958 44, 2/9 5,973 
54,70 57,489 8,434 1,845 66,816 12,471 1 
10,624 7,161 3, 781 1,371 8,792 3,347 555 
9,580 18, 203 12,291 6, 317 25,956 6,922 16,000 
61.795 11,905 5,467 2,259 11,049 3,677 38 
347 5,486 6,806 2,975 52.427 8. 676 1,291 
126,840 118,621 51,041 8.227 22,852 13, 126 6,812 
— — 3,701 9,566 — 2,460 — 
12,515 15,960 24,121 1,578 22,102 27,231 4,016 
51,798 41,567 406 694 15,282 6,980 14,800 
8,269 5,805 1,750 1,142 1,885 6,057 — 
25,649 22,568 2,198 2,860 10.776 5,847 3,.534 
614,254 604,683 158,017 54,878 554,985 193#78 55,331 

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