Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1839. (16)

e i 
Pastfio-Stand der Gemeinden. Vergli 
— — — — · 
Vrzinsliche Rüächstände Andere Sunme det Passiven. Activ- Ueberschuß. 
asssv· Capitalien. zur Amtspflege. Passiv, Rückstände. 
1836. 1838. 1835 1838. 1335. 1858. 1855. 1838. 1835. 1838. 
58 — 9 . ZA4 
428 59454 46956,943 2½25%% 229542206 862 4% 
2376 1,55 169 202 5,96 2,144 6,509 5,905 153,567 204, 802 
W 14,963 60 — 809 737 28,315 15.700 45,778 47,%02 
20/166 13,656 — — 1,037 719 21,205 14,5751 4 
80,651 65,717 2,403 —- 5,5% 1,195 88.590 66,912 34, 379 43, 205 
IIsto 10.075 60“ — 805 1,224 556S 
15,833 58,7 — — 4,820 13,683 19,653 52,#52 79,646 76, 597 
98 15,100 — 125 19,0 5 21,191 59,075 34,416 215,046 279, 29 
14463 142,291 — — 10,996 10,813 125,459 153,10% 54,20 50,073 
% 71.178 — — 7 2 8809,500 710180 5,290 
v7(6,00% 87,055 — — 267 648 176,571 87,605 61,7190 89,761 
/S900 448,369 — — 4,276 19,907 408,256 468,276 40,550 15/,729 
05,620 87,810 — — 1,658 5,210 107,285 91,020 79.5900 88,.2710 
25 25,698 — — 566 105 29,107 25,805 77 331 84,217 
0000 55,050 — — 8,290 1,800 115,586 56.840%11, 666% 
"ootso 5%,568. — — 6,816 2,014 658,965 56, 5382 77,362 101,866 
5,596 42, 100 5,940 4,5154 420 1 297 69,756 46, 5512 161.759 
x — — | ⁊ . 
01«7081-209,182 50,87141,40!s!72,2!-!i81,88!-1-524,8231,3.-2,4-01,-«9«,206 i«1,811-,511 

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