Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1841. (18)

Nom des marchandises en ktrc. Ouantiteès karff#es. des drotks. 
Elvan bazin . la piece. 180 
Aladia ve thibouklon Dimieaton la Varde. 11½ 
Lahouraki marpilch chal couchak mavi ve tou- 
rouncdji . . . la piece. 95 
Fermaich Schal Ingliz couchak — 150 
Achem bardji lahourakl couchak buynk ve kutchuk — 144 
Arpali tulpend — 100 
Bir ve iki renk tchiti Ingliz — 176 
Uteh, ve dort ve bech renk tchiti Ingliz — 285 
Tchiti Leh deuchemelik ve sair ala khass ve 
kalp Franciz ve Beldjica ve Svitcher — 612 
Deuchémell tchit, khass ve kalp, ersat ve ednn 
Francis, ve Beldjika ve Svitcher — 252 
Es vablik tehiti ftancis ealp u#ess ale ersat ve 
ecna — 350 
L# vablik tchtl Srit ve Belgi ... — 290 
— 576 
Al-tchit francis, Sritcher ve Beldhla 
“ F 

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