Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1843. (20)

— — 
Stand der Gemeinden. Vergleichung. eina Verwendet auf 
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Räüchand Andere Samme Grundstocs= F40½ vcnne Crtauung ! caessafin u 
» — 8 / ws/ -*e Grundlaster 
1841. 1 1841. 1811. 1811. 1841. 8 4% 4 *“ 8%% 18% 18 3¾/1 
160%%2100, 340 70,061 37, 1L GC,1600 24451 2,000 5,565 
– 10,506 24,420 202,585 3,085 8,641 1,638 26,027 10,833 29,665 
— 5,837 26,758 76,829 9,218 10,189 1,203 22,845 4,624 4,904 
— 4,795 28,706 129,686 — 54 480 12413 ,420 12,095 
— 7,48 66,006 44,745321364 5546 715 19,0020 8.022 P108 
4656 330F 21,100 80,1302300 154443 77,66 11,342 
— 4751 30,306 128,4158243 3),507 3,13330,057204“ 23 
— 21,248 40,040 286,101 1,720 11,408 2,200 11,1353,330 4808 
— 8,883 202,490 309,374 119,055 81,11 58072 
— 30,56389 170,434%27,072 92,520 11,348 1,871%5,02 30,625 530019 
— 3,287|/ 70,371 |] 80,8753479 3378 2,57845,100 7,798 ,092 
— 6,537 463,330 128,317 140,373 45,366 5,698 52,416 31,518 1044 
— 2,514 140,923680,270 27,118 8430 548 31,031 24,474 13,881 
— 8328,951 84,379 11,328 4,989 15,945 4,401 5,70217,020 
— 1,674%42 128,016 14,074D009 
1,345 460,212 138,080 20,034 9301 290 14,009 6,7419 
2334 4457 9 460181 3,608 3232606 4251 4 
— — « 
19,424 126,690 1544,405 72 5455 211882 39,7172 299,210 275,023 

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