Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1857. (34)

mHas— 336579 
. 5 
III. Jartkreis. 
Aalen 22,730 1 5,824 4,630 33,165 
Crailsheim 28,630 95444 38,115 
Ellwangen 39,933 10 6,796 5,986 52,734 
Gaildorf 2, 884 — 3,990 2,751 36,625 
Gerabronn 61,582 1 6,838 5,227 73,648 
Gmünd 27,302 11/67224½ 40,684 
Hall 50,002 5, 281 5605 6,072 68,950 
Heidenheim 38,431 — 9,478 8,246 56,155 
Künzelsau 4,087 — ,8925827 57,206 
Mergentheim. 52,315 — 7,309 5,533 65,157 
Neresbeim 35,097 27 5,161180957 4,242 
Oehringen 61,781 —.8,564 75,617 
Schorndorf 25, 928 — 6,672 3,a77 36,077 
Welzheim. 24,182 21144%%%2 31,024 
— 54,8744 2 709,419 

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