Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1881. (58)

— — — 
ariisis — 
— II. Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark. 
Balingen 62,696 — 23,493 21,630 107,819 
Calw 44,743 1561 204483 16,411 81,738 
Freudenstadt 51,900 6 19,424 18,076 89,406 
Herrenberg 81,573 9 19,596 8,210 109,388 
Horb 56391 97 1,75 12,335 83,098 
Nagold 49,881 89 16.219 14,039 80,828 
Neuenbürg 31,924 496 138,618 23,520 74,558 
Nürtingen 63,156 —20,690 18,594 102,440 
Oberndorf. 48,352 919816 21,533 88,030 
Reutlingen. 72,008 107 45,022 69,707 186,844 
Rottenburg 80,565 — 22,235 13,862 116,662 
Rottweil 76,830 27956 16567 121353 
Spaichingen 4,437 — 13 8,41 66,156 
Sulz 55,433 — 12y700 5.398 73,531 
Tübingen 65,971 87 31,945 23,270 121,273 
Tuttlingen. 59,085 — 21,513 22,358 102,956 
Urach 61,416 —2379 — 
— 1,006,361 1051¼369,802 344,880 (1,722,184 

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