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the German Empire and the Kingdom of Madagascar.
His Majesty the German Emperor William I., King of Prussia, in the
name of the German Empire, on the one part, and Her Majesty Rana-
valomanjaka II., Queen of Madagascar, on the other part, being desirous
to maintain the relations of good unterstanding which happily Subsist
and to promote the commercial intercourse between the German Empire
and the Kingdom of Madagascar, have decided to secure to the subjects
and citizens of either country within the other country all the rights
there enjoyed by the subjects and citizens of the most favoured nation;
for that purpose the following articles have been agreed upon and signed
between the Count Paul von Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg, State-Minister
and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, duly authorized to that effect
on the part of His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, and
Ravoninahitriniarivo, 15tb honour, Officer of the Palace, Chief Secre-
tary of State for Foreign Affairs, and Ramaniraka, 14-½ honour, Officer
of the Palacc, Member of the Privy Council, duly authorized to that
effect on the part of Her Majesty the Queen of Madagascar:
Peace, friendship and good understanding shall for ever continue to
subsist between His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, and
Her Majesty the Queen of Madagascar, Their heirs and successors, and
between the subjects and citizens of the German Empire and of the
Kingdom of Madagascar.
The diplomatic, consular and naval representatives, agents and
officers of either Contracting Party shall in the exereise of their duties
within the dominions of the other Party, and the subjects and eitizens
of either country shall for their persons and property and with regard
to commerce, trade and navigation and to any other matter whatsoever,
enjoy within the other country the same protection and all the rights,
Privileges, advantages, immunities and exemptions, which under the
laws of that country are now, or may hereafter be granted there to the
Reichs- Gesetzbl. 1885. 36