Full text: Die Hausgesetze der regierenden Deutschen Fürstenhäuser. Erster Band: Anhalt, Baden, Bayern, Braunschweig. (1)

Realm, to obviate wll Doubts and Contentions in the same, by reason of any pre- 
tended Titles to the Crown, and to maintain a Certainty in the Succession thereof, 
to which your Subjects may Safely have Recourse for their Protection, in case the 
Limitation in the said recited Act should determine: Therefore for a further Pro- 
vision of the Succession of the Crown in the Protestant Line, we your Majesty’s 
most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, 
in this present Parliament assembled, do beseech your Majesty that it may be 
enacted and declared: And be it enacted and declared by the King’s most Excel- 
lent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritaal and Tem- 
poral, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority 
of the same; that the most Excellent Princess Sophia Electress and 
Dutchess Dowager of Hannover, Daughter of the most Excellent Prin- 
cess Elizabeth late Queen of Bohemia, Daughter of our late Sovereign 
Lord King James the First, of happy Memory, be and is hereby decla- 
red to be the next in Succession, ia the Protestant Line, to the Im- 
perial Crown and Dignity of the said Realms of England, France and 
Ireland, with the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, 
after his Majesty, and the Princess Anne of Denmark. and in De- 
fault of Issue of the said Princess Aune and of his Majesty respecti- 
vely: And that from and after the Deceases of his said Majesty, our 
now Sovereign Lord, and of her Royal Highness the Princess Anne 
of Denmark and for Default of Issue of the said Princess Anne.and 
of his Majesty respectively, the Crown and Regal Government of the 
said Kingdoms of England, France and Ireland and of the Dominions 
thereunto belonging with the Royal State and Dignity of the said 
Realms, and all Honours, Stiles, Titles, Regalities, Prerogatives, 
Powers, Jurisdictions, and Authorities, to the same belonging and 
appertaining, shall be, remain, and continue to the said most Excel- 
lent Princess Sephbia and the Heirs of her Body, being Protestants; 
And thereunto the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, shall and 
will, in the Name of all the People of this Realm, most humbly and faithfully 
submit themselves, their Heirs, and Postcerities: And do faithfully promise, That 
after tbe Deccases uf his Majesty, and her Itoyal Highness, and the failure of the 
Heirs of their respective Bodies, to stand to, maintain, and defend the said Prin- 
cess Sophia, and the Heirs of her Body, being Protestants, according to the Li- 
mitation and Succession of the Crown in this Act specified and contained, to the 
utmost of their Powers, with their Lives and Estates, against all Persons whatsoe- 
ver that shall attempt any thing to the contrary. II. Provided always, and it is 
hereby enacted, That all and every Person, who shall or may take or inherit the 
said Crown, by Virtue of the Limitation of this present Act, and is, are, or shall 
be reconciled to, or shall hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome, or 
shall profess tlıe Popish Religion, or shall mary a Papist, shall be subject to such 
Incapaeities, as in such Case or Cases ary. by the said recited Act provided, enacted, 
and established; And that every King and Queen of this Realm, who shall come to

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