Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

NOTES 105 
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56. 17. Tours: a very interesting city of many memories situated 
on the S. bank of tüe Loire and capital of the old Province 
os Touraine, now chef-lieu du dcpartement dIndre-et-Loire. 
The inhabitants are called Tourangeaus. 
Lille: a strong fortress in the NE. corner of France on the 
Deule Canal and the Riker Lys; it is the centre of the 
Black Country’ of Franc. 
Orleans: ckaf-lieu die departement du Loiret, on the most 
northern point of the Loire. 
Vendöme: due W. from Orleans, on the Loire. 
Le Mans: due W. from Orleans, on the Sarthe. 
— Truppen: sing. die Truppe troop’' soldiers;: e.g. die 
Truppengattungen branches of the service.. Der Trupp, 
pl. Trupps- gang“ band.' 
. Amiens, due N. of Paris, on the Somme. 
Bapaume: a fortress in the department Pas de Calais. 
St. Quentin: E. of Amiens, on the Somme. 
The battles referred to took place in November 1870 and 
January 1871. The German Commander was von Goeben 
and the French, Faidherbe. 
Bourbaki (1816—97) served in the Krimkrieg, in the 
Italian campaign of 18 80, and commanded the Ostarmee in 
187, (see p. 33 I. r20), when he was defeated by the German 
general von Werder. 
Garibaldi (1807—82); the celebrated Italian patrict. 
Belfort: on the River Savoureuse, s town stronglyfortified by 
Vauban and occupvying a most important position in the gap 
between the Vosges and the Jura Nlountains. It is the sole 
defence of France against an invasion from Switzerland. It 
made a brave defence under Col. Denfert-Rochereau and 
wWas finally left in the hands of France. 
Etappenstraße, lines of communication’ between JNancy 
and Paris. Etappe, originallyv German, is borrowcd directiy 
from Fr. Zape, and means a depéôt of food for troops on the 
march, hence a place where trocps balt. 
eingefallen: the full impers. construction would be es 
sollte .. eingefallen werden an inroad was to be made 
into Germany.- 
dann mußte ja : see note, p. 3 1. 24. 
mißglückte, fafled.“ Miß= as a preß is generally accented., 
and the verbs Ccompounded with it may take ge“ in the p. p., 
except mißfallen, mißglücken, mißlingen, mißraten and 

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